Monday, June 28, 2010

The England Goal that Wasn't - World Cup 2010 Germany vs England

Frank Lampard's strike hit under the crossbar, bounced 1 and a half feet inside the German goal and bounced out

The Goal that Wasn't, was at a really crucial time during the England-Germany last 16 tie. England had just scored and were trailing 2-1 when Frank Lampard struck an awesome shot from some 28 metres out. It beat the German goalkeeper Neuer, and hit the inside of the crossbar, bounced one and a half feet inside the goalline and bounced out. The referee and the linesman
were too far out of position to allow it and assumed it hadn't crossed the line.

A camera mounted on a crane above the German goal showed that it indeed crossed the line. While FIFA still rules that only 3 officials will determine the outcome of the game, it is high time that fairness is dispensed to the sport, at the expense of some drama. England team did not protest, and carried on, although in all fairness, the German team was playing brilliant counterattacking football and all their strikes and goals were first class.

Life is like that, you get rotten luck thrown at you or life throws you a 'curve ball'. You are left floundering about the 'what ifs' and it is the ultimate winner ; the individual or team which shrugs off the misfortune or bounces back even stronger to 'win' and be more resolute.

England team, your time hasn't come yet, but, keep plugging the loopholes, tighten up the defence, retire David James,have more feeder schools for football development and get Jose Mourhinio as manager.

What do I know as an armchair critic of football, as my supported team is on the verge of relegation, each season,
Wolverhampton Wanderers ??

When will Singapore reach the World Cup Finals ? I hope in my lifetime !!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another Great World Cup 2010 Song - Kenako

This must be THE SONG of the World Cup 2010 ; there are already shock exits by former 2 time World Champions Italy, and 1998 Champions, France. There is likely to be more upsets in the later stages, and (I am sticking my neck out here), we could see possibly an Asian team in the semi-finals.
My predictions (totally no bias, just shooting in the wind)

Champions : Argentina
Runner Up : Germany
Third : Spain
Fouth : Uruguay

Lessons from French Football team's disastrous exit - 2010 World Cup

Chicken and Duck Talk

France, the 1998 World Cup champions and 2006 finalists were humiliated in this year's World Cup 2010, losing to Mexico and South Africa whilst drawing to Uruguay.While being booted out of the Cup in the first stage is embarrasing enough, the way the French side handled the pressure and crumbled, no, disintegrated into a rabble of over- paid eogtistical "pot calling the kettle black" bunch of losers. Its sad that a team filled with talent from the likes of Franck Ribery, Anelka, Patrick Evra and Thierry Henry can mutiny and cause so much shame and embarrassment to their country. Lets get the following facts right.

They are paid millions of Euros playing for the top clubs in Europe, and with sponsors paying millions for the World Cup.
They are first class athletes and have loads of footballing talent
They are multimillionaires, Thierry Henry can afford his own private jet.
They are coached by a Raymond Domenech who handled their Euro 2008 campaign equally disastrously

Les Blur not Les Bleu

Things which they did totally wrong :

1. They let their egos get the better of them. This is a team game, everyone has to work together and sink or swim.
No one is bigger than the team, they forgot that. Anelka for one, and Viera was the mastermind.

2. Raymond Domenech was called obscene names and even though he may be hated by certain elements of the squad, he
MUST command the respect of the team. Coach or Manager's decision is FINAL. No further questions till after the World Cup.
These are millionaire professionals, surely they must understand respect ??

3. They did not show good sportsmanship, refusing to train for the final match against South Africa (which they lost 2-1) and
the coach/manager did not even want to shake hands with the opposing manager. Terrible behavior from the manager of a
supposed 'top team'.

4. Sir Alex Furgeson said that the team 'downed tools' just before the match with South Africa. He singled Patricce Evra as the
mastermind. There are certain priorities in life. God, Country, Family, Work, Friends,and so forth. What were these overpaid
monkeys thinking ?


Movie with the Boys - Toy Story 3

Where's the popcorn ?

Last Friday 18th June, I took an afternoon off to watch a movie, Toy Story 3 with my son Andrew and his friend, Glenn.It was a lunch with a movie thrown in, and it was nice to spend some quality and bonding time with my younger son, who is in Secondary One. The meal was their choice, and we had some nice McWings, Chicken Burger, and Cheeseburger at the Great World City Mcdonalds at River Valley Road.

Nice discussion at Macdonalds

The male youth of today are obsessed with computer gaming, with many multiplayer games available such as Counter Strike, World of Warcraft, Maplestory to name just 3 games. We try our hardest as parents to control their game time, and
even have time restrictions on their game play limiting them to no more than 1 hour during term time. There have been numerous occasions when their addiction to the gaming has led them to forgo their exercise and homework. We are not so lucky to have disciplined teenagers who are self-starting and are able to prioritise their time and study independently. In essence, they have low self-discipline.

A pix before heading out with Glenn and Andrew

The show was very captivating, to say the least and this Toy Story 3 is the most where it deals with separation issues between child and toy and parent and child, something which all of us must face in our lives one day. With bonding and communication, I hope that we can have close ties with our teenagers and children for year to come

Friday, June 18, 2010

Diego Armando Maradona - Footballing Icon

While watching the World Cup first round qualifying match between Argentina and South Korea,the cameras panned to the animated face of a small Santa Claus type of man, the coach or manager of Argentina, Diego Maradona. Long reviled and mocked since his heydays of the 1980s when he single handedly dominated the midfield of many games against England, Belgium and Germany, he was a true genius with a divine left foot.

His claim to notoriety was when he scored a goal with his hand / head against England in 1986, and then claimed it was the 'hand of God' who helped him score. He was no doubt a wily and cunning footballer, but at the same time, a brilliant playmaker with out of this world skills. The second goal against England in that same match, was and still is touted as the best individual goal of any World Cup. He took a pass from a teammate, dribbled and waltzed pass 3 defenders before rifling the ball into the next past Pater Shilton, the then best goalkeeper in the world. That goal and another similar goal against Belgium was to elevate his status to the same league as Pele and Ferenc Puskas, the great Hungarian striker of the 50s.

The last 10 -15 years have been a roller coaster ride for him, he was doing drugs, had a cocaine addiction and had a major heart bypass and was behaving very erratically, after his divorce. He fathered a child outside of his marriage and also had very outspoken views on politics in his country. He is, however,revered in his country as well as in many parts of the world.

In November 2008 he was offered the job as manager/ coach of Argentina and the results under him were very sketchy to say the least. He experimented with 105 possible players during the Copa America and were on the verge of not qualifying for the World Cup. He himself, was subjected to a vote of confidence to continue as coach and managed to stay on by the skin of his teeth.

The match in my opinion, was a showcase of Argentinian talent, although I am not a football expert, but their midfield is probably the best in the world at the moment, with Lionel Messi, Carlos Tevez and Maxi Rodriguez are practically unstoppable when they are in their element. Messi is definitely THE star of this tournament, creating practically all of Argentina's 5 goals from 2 games. The weak link is their defence where Gabriel Heinze, and particularly centre-half, Martin Demichellis quite suspect in speed and fitness. Demichellis in particular looked very 'blur' when he was totally blindsided by the onsrushing Lee Chung Yong to steal the ball and chip it pass the hapless goalie, Sergio Romero.

Maradona, standing, shouting and juggling the out of field balls by the touchline, is an enigma. He is full of passion and love for the game and especially for his players giving everyone a hug and a kiss during the half-time and fulltime whistle. This passion, together with his brilliant footballing brain, is one of the reasons why Argentina are so full of life and a real joy to watch.

Maradona, it seems, is having the last laugh of all. He might be laughing all the way to the final game of this 2010 World Cup. Count on it.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup 2010 - Uniting the World in Sport

June 11th was the start of the 19th FIFA World held for the first time in the African continent with 32 countries from Asia, Australasia, Europe, and the Americas competing for the coveted Jules Rimes trophy. Singapore had high hopes with the Goal 2010 set in 1999 but till today, with the foreign talent scheme well and firmly entrenched, Singapore are still nowhere near the International standard, only being 'kampong champions' of South East Asia in 2007, 2005 and 1998.

The point I would like to make is that a simple game of football equalises and fascinates the entire world whereby huge countries like China and India with a combined population of 3 billion (almost half the world's polulation) do not have a team in the World Cup, whereas much smaller countries like South Korea (70 million),Australia (20 million) and Denmark (6 million) can qualify for it.

Its a great leveller for the major economic superpowers like the US have to face much smaller countries like UK, Ghana and Slovenia at the same level and have to rely on tactics, skills and teamwork to win. This is indeed one major viewing sporting event whereby the USA, China, Australia or Russia are NOT the favourites to win.

Youth Challenge Board Appreciation Night 11th June 2010

Some board members past and present

11th June was the Youth Challenge Board Appreciation Night and it was held to thank the Board's members past and present who were helming the charity from 2007 till the current time. The President, Looi Teck Kheong and General Secretary, Michael Lim were the key members who took over from the previous board and steered the charity through some challenging times in the past 4 years. Though I was invited and accepted to the board only for 9 months, I am motivated to help serve in other charities in the coming future as my part of giving back to society.

Basilicco at Regent Hotel

The setting for the dinner was at the impressive Basilicco restaurant, on the 2nd floor and several past board members like Dr. Colin Tan and Clement Chua were also present. The spirit of the dinner was very warm and we had some nice reminisces about what each of us saw as our contributions to the charity. While it is a recognizable name, we as the board felt that the ultimate objective of the charity had been served and there are many overlapping VWOs and NGOs currently serving the same niches of the Youth Challenge. It is only befitting that the people who have sacriciced their time and energy to serving this charity be recognised and appreaciated.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Focus on what's important, work on what's urgent

In life, many people get caught up with the urgent and pressing issues which are present on a day-to-day basis. Paying bills,coming to work on time, ensuring the children are studying for their year end exams, making sure the job/quotation is finished on time and customer signs the delivery order, accepts the invoice and a thousand and one other things.

I have been taking stock these past few days as it is the financial year end and many things are requiring my attention and action. However, I am very mindful of the big picture as I approach the 50th birthday in 2 years time. Many people have 'no choice' but to work for a living, but the key questions to ask yourself :

a) are you impacting anyone positively with your life ?
b) are you achieving your life goals and as a result, happy achieving it ?
c) apart from work and family, do you have time for yourself to pursue your own
interests if any ?
d) are you doing anything to enrich your emotional and spiritual side ?
e) are you financially independent, and have or are working on regular revenue
streams to flow in your later years ?

You may have noticed I have only listed the last point about Money. However, money helps people to live a decent and comfortable life, but 'the love of money is the root of all evil', in my opinion, so one must not view monetary issues and pursuits as the be all and end of of everything. There must be more to life than just earning your first million and then the next million and so on.

Rather, one must like and be able to live within one's own means and earnings and find activities to enjoy when he / she has the good health and time to do it.
That is what life boils down to,a good balance between work, family, personal activities, community and religious giving back.

Many people are aware of it, but few actually objectivise it and even lesser go and do it. Stop and think deeply about your own life. Take a hard look and see whether you are happy with YOUR LIFE. If you are, then fine, if not, then assess the areas where you can grow and improve on and then go and do it with a fixed time to getting it done.

World Cup 2010 Official Theme Song

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jane Peng's 7 Day Run in Sahara - 250 km

Jane at the start of the 25 K / 50 K combined Run on 22nd May 2010

Jane Peng is a young friend of mine from our Karate class at Tanglin CC. A Cornell University (New York) Alumni in Hotel Management, she has recently returned to Singapore to work with Pan Pacific Hotels as a business analyst. Her study experience has taken her from China (home country) to Singapore (secondary and pre-university at Raffles Girls and Hwa Chong JC) to England (Oxford) and USA (Cornell University).

Most interesting is her "joie de vrie" (passion for life), whereby she has undertaken a 1,000 km bicycle ride along the Nile River in 2006 with Uni friends and also a photographic trip to the southernmost tip of the Earth, the Antartica in 2009 via Argentina. As a photographer,she has been selected as a finalist for the International Photographic competition organised by National Geographic in Australia last year. This year she trained and completed for her Shitoryu Karate Black Belt Shodan (Dan 1) from our Karate dojo (school) And (get this), she is only 24 YEARS OLD.

Recently she had expressed interest in running marathons and ultramarathons and I have been training with her in the past 3 -4 months in preparation for the Passion Card combined 50km duo run which took place on May 22nd May 2010.The last few weekends before the race were running up to 20 km and moderating our run strides,pacing and taking in electrolytes, power gels and Gatorade drinks. The running routes were mainly at Macritchie Reervoir (many), Nassim Road (once) and finally the East Coast Park (many times).

One thing I was impressed was by her goal setting, mental toughness and 'never say die' attitude, something which I wish my own children could adopt as a life focus.

The run itself on 22nd May was quite uninspiring, and she finished with a time of 2 hours 49 mins compared with my slower time of 3 hours 1 minute. However,she had then signed on for the next week 29th May for the Sundown Ultramarathon for
84 km. Yes 84 km without any serious training !She completed that in 12 hours 35 minutes or so and I am very impressed by her determination to finish this without any major physical damage to her system.

On her blogpost, see, she highlighted the usage of tempo (long,slow) runs and mental preparation of going through the route in her mind. Also, she mentioned correctly that there were cases of endurance athletes who trained less and visualised more, and achieved their run goals without ever running the full distance. A 25% training distance, with 75% mental visualisation of completion is highlighted.

In October, she will be attempting a 250 km 7 day footrun (read as 42km for 7 days or 7 marathon over 7 days) in the Sahara desert, with 40 - 50 deg weather and runing on SAND. Her blog (at the top left corner of mine) covers the details of her endeavour as well as what she is doing to prepare for it. It will be a fantastic achievement for her to conquer it as it shows that a person who dares to dream big will ultimately achieve it, no matter what. She has gotten in-principle funding (majority) of her US$ 9,000 run from her employer Pan Pacific Hotel and with the run itself she hopes to raise funds of US$ 40,000 for the World Vision Microfinance scheme,called Vision Fund to help small businesses in the 3rd world to operate.I am sure that she will achieve this objective which is a huge undertaking but she is up to the task I am sure.

I am very inspired to attempt this soon (next year ??). But in concluding this post to a very amazing lady,I have this to say "GO JANE GO !!"

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6th 1944 - we should never forget how the world owes them so much

The landings at Normandy France, with 4 beachheads, Gold, Juno, Omaha, Utah

June 6th 1944, 66 years to the day. This was the day the Allied Forces comprising US,UK. French, Belgian, Dutch and many other battalions hit back at the Germans in a 1 million man assault on the European continent. A seminal book, by Cornelius Ryan called the The longest Day has been made into a successful movie some 30+ years ago. It is a classic movies starring then movie greats such as John Wayne, Henry Fonda, Robert Mitchum, Sean Connery, Sophia Loren and many other stars with a cast of thousands. I watched it recently to commemorate the D-Day landings as this was the turning point of the
second world war as seen by many historians.

The real heroes of the war, dead on the beach.

The pictures are real and show the true meaning of war, in black and white with no glamour at all. The message is poignant, in that politicians with their vitriolic arguments and grand ambitions like Hitler and Hirohito, the final outcome is always death and wanton destruction of mankind. Additionally many millions are scarred emotionally and physically by the ravages of war. Yet wars are still staged by various countries to exercise and exhibit their dominance and influence
over other countries for economic and industrial gain.

Landing Craft unloading the marines onto Omaha Beach - nicknames 'Bloody Omaha'

The foot soldiers at Normandy had to carry out their orders and kill or be killed. Their sacrifice and unrelenting focus on winning back the territories taken over by the German 60 odd years and finally overcoming the German conquerers has left the world a very different place than had the Germans won the war. The real heroes are not the Generals and Politicians who motivated all the people to fight to the last, it was the ordinary soldiers who gave their lives to ensure that the world is what it is today.

A Marine swimming to shore in full battle order

This is a salute to the unsung soldiers who died and veterans who the world owes a major debt of gratitude to. You are the fallen heroes whom we should never forget.

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...