Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mount Tomamu

     This is the 'easy' slopes of Mount Tomamu, where my family and I are staying at the Towers (Twin Towers) at the base of the mountain. There are a total of 17 slopes, ranging from 'beginner' ( in reality one needs to be able to control one's skis - and an intermediate skier) to intermediate and 'advanced'. They even have pistes (ski trails) which the expert skier has to register his ability at the front desk before you are allowed on these untried (for many months before the ski season opens) paths and one literally has to depend on one's skill in going down sometimes a 60 degree slope.

      In late January or February, depending on the amount of snowfall, the resort will offer "Heli Ski", this is for the expert skiier, who is prepared to take extreme risks and be dropped off from a helicopter at a height on the mountain, perhaps 3000 ft and he will then have to find his way down, else he risks certain serious injury or death, if he goes down an ice-covered cavern, like you see in movies. Of course the resort authorities know the mountain well, but its really a lot of  mountain to cover with so few trained support staff on skimobiles.

      Going forward, I hope my company can do well enough in future to incentivise the staff by going on an all expenses trip such as this. Wishful thinking ??      

Video of the powder snow in Hokkaido

This video shows how soft the powder snow in Hokkaido, where my wife was filming my son and I outside the restaurant and I dove my hand in to the snow only to get an icy shock. See my reaction after I put my ungloved hand into the snow. 

Monday, December 26, 2011

White Christmas from Hokkaido

Night Scene of our Tower Hotel from the Forest Mall

     Dear friends, I was busy the last 10 days or so, and did not have time to update my blog. I heard some crustacean had 'highjacked' it for a few hours while I was intoxicated with sake and sashimi, but rest assured that nothing like that will happen again. When the SMRT says that the trains will be running fine the next day, see what happened ?  For one to maintain a high level of transport efficiency, one has to do thorough reliability checks and aging tests, like using stress screening equipment, to ensure the long term reliability of their hardware, ie. trains and their tracks is up to standard. 

       This picture was taken when we first arrived in Tomamu ski resort, Hokkaido on 18th December, the Towers in the background are where my family and I stayed for 5 days, and the weather was snowing for maybe 4 days, the atmosphere was quite unreal and the photos which I took were quite undescribable, but really pretty pictures.

         Here's wishing a belated Merry Chistmas to all my friends and followers of my Blog. Whats that picture of the Crab in a previous post  ??

A belated Merry Crhistmas from Hokkaido Japan - from a friend

                                               Thats me, with some parsely and lemon.

         Hello everyone, my name is Kani, Japanese for Crab. I have hairy legs like Mark and I have taken over writing this blog, as he is too busy eating my fellow crustaceans or crabs. He's full of crab right now, and also has too much Sake to write anything sensible in this column, so I took pity on him, and decided to write this post. He was too busy on holiday in December to post anything for over 3 weeks, shame on him !

        Anyway he threatened me that he would eat me soon enough, if I did not do something useful, so  I decided to write this post. Our species are called Snow Crabs, or Long Hairy Leg Crabs and we live off the cold waters of Hokkaido island. The Japanese have long been catching our kind for centuries and we are best eaten, grilled, deep fried or steamed with some vinegar. I don't think humans taste anything like us crabs, and we have many hundreds of offspring, much more efficient producers than humans, though I heard humans are causing havoc with the world we live in, with their cars, aeroplanes and airconditioners, leading to many natural disasters caused by their neglect. Its time for everyone to DO THEIR PART to save our world.
         Uh, Oh, that fellow, Mark is eyeing me right now, I better sign off and hide behind this parsely.    
If I don't see you again ; "Merisu Chrismasu " and " eat Vegetables !! " Forget Crabs ! They take too long to eat ! "          

Can I get 230,000 views by end December ??

                                          With the legend himself Kaicho Wong Tuan Seng, yesterday at the release of his book Shitoryu Karat...