Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The foolish run today

       I will always remember this run today for a long long time. Today, as I was preparing for the 42km marathon in roughly 2 weeks' time, I decided to take a challenge and run with a new pair of Asics Kayanos (version 18). I decided to run the Sime Trail at the McRitchie Reservoir which is roughly 11km from start to end, 1 complete circle. 

       I am not a novice at running the trails at McRitchie, but as I finished the run, something so significant dawned upon me, that I decided to write this down for posterity. I finished work before 6pm and made a beeline for McRitchie reservoir hoping to catch the last rays of light. By the time I arrived and changed up, and started out, it was 6.30pm. I did the run which was in the jungle, and not uncommonly, I would see moneys, sometimes monitor lizards and the occasional snake. The first half went by quite smoothly. I covered 7km in about 42 minutes or so, at a decent pace of 6min per km. My new shoes were absorbing the shocks of the uneven ground made worse by the rains the past days. There are many exposed roots and its slippery,so one wrong move and you could end up with a twisted ankle or worse, a major leg or body injury. The trail is meant mainly for walkers and people with trail sticks frequent it.
Some weeks ago some trail runners were lost in the Reservoir for up to 9 hours, so its not without its risks.

         I made it to the 2/3 rd mark at about 7.05pm. The ranger station was closed and a sign said that the treetop walk was closed and not open to public after 5.30pm  I was left with 3 options a) use the Sime road, which was well lit and run the remainder 5 km back b) Head back the way I came, which was quite treacherous with the fading light or c) continue with the Sime Trail into the forest and reach the end by sheer foolishness and willpower. That meant running up 9 small hills in the trail which was pot holed, and had mud as well as broken stones placed over the places where it was too muddy. Tough choice. 

        I chose option c). Purely by 'gut feel' and not logic, when I could have chosen the easy way back and ran along the road to the start point.With the light fading, the trail I was quite familiar became a black or near black track, with the occasional light from the opening of the forest which let the moonlight in from the half moon. I was afraid, but chose to press on into the darkness. The trail had its ups and downs, and pot holes, which I had to FEEL MY WAY through. I was scared to be scared, not wanting to think of the consequences of a wrong footing or  going off the track. There were lights but I realised that they were fireflies in the forest. After about 15 minutes  of solitary running in the darkness, there was a torchlight and one runner came towards me, he greeted me, and passed into the night. I felt much more sure. There was another solitary runner about 5 minutes later who greeted me with a hearty "Hi" and I was so energised, I ran with all my might. It was going to be OK, although I had another good 15 minutes still in the black forest.

        At the end of the trail, the lights of the reservoir beckoned. My thoughts during the run were this :

1. I am a risk taker, that is why I decided to go into business. You are always thrust into the great abyss (black hole) of uncertain future but you must have the extreme confidence that you will overcome whatever comes my way.

2. Do not think too much about the what ifs, because, life is real short, and if you spend too much time thinking about things you will never ever achieve anything.

    My run finished rather unspectacularly by the reservoir's edge. I remember the words immortalised by the late Steve Jobs to the new Harvard Graduands.

   " Stay Foolish, Stay Hungry, Never Settle".

   Well, the first 2 I have achieved with 100% accuracy. That is why I am still making a living running my own business. I have never regretted a single day of it. Never settle means that I must aspire for better than what I have achieved today. That will only be known over time.

   Seize the Day my friends.   


Thursday, November 8, 2012

4 more years (of mediocrity)

        As a non partisan observer of the 2012 US elections, I can conclude, that given the 2 candidates to choose from,  Americans chose to return the incumbent Mr. Barack Obama to office. When he took office in Nov 2008, the US economy was teetering on facing with the most critical economic crisis of its history with major lenders from Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac ,Citigroup, Lehman Brothers and  AIG bordering on bankruptcy. All these were blamed on the banks unfettered , unregulated (mind you) and near illegal bets on subprime mortgages loans, credit swaps and as a result Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, with AIG and many others bailed out by the TARF or emergency money to continue their ruthless lending.

      Four years down the road, with unemployment at a near all time high of 7.8% and the reemergence of General Motors after a forced bankruptcy, USA voted in Barack Obama again. There will be millions of analyses down the road for why they voted for him, and not the savvy businessman Mitt Romney. But for me, as a company director, if you are hired to manage a company, your job performance is normally measured in a span of 3 years, and if you are hired to make things better, then you better do so in whatever way you can. Else, you get shown the door, or fired. That is the American and global way of rewarding good performance and releasging poor performers. 

     So during his tenure what did the Fed do ? They printed more money to lend to the ailing banks stating that they were 'too big to fail' and as a result the people who created this mess and stall the world exconomy leading to an even greater mess down the road (few years from now) are still in their jobs and with more money too. Ridiculous isn't it ? 

     So America has voted in the incumbent Obama, he pledged to make good on the economy, but with the fiscal cliff looming and a divided House (Senate is Democrat majority and House of representatives is Republican) it is looking alot like a bleak Christmas and and uncertain new year.

    Wall Street as well as all major markets around the world sent their message to Obama.
They all dropped from 1.2 to 3 % in a day.  

    Oh dear.      

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...