Saturday, June 22, 2013

Haze in S.E. Asia - 16 years on ; Nothing much has changed

         Once again, Singapore and Malaysia are the unfortunate recipients of the unhealthy smoke blowing from our big neighbour Indonesia. The fires are going on unabated, with firefighters trying their best to stem the spread but again, many people just watch helplessly as the tragedy unfolds again, in epic proportions, reaching on Friday 21st a "hazardous" level of 401 at 12pm. Many people are falling sick, especially the old, infirm, young and those with existing health problems. It is definately "NOT ACCEPTABLE".    

         Why are we, time and again, subjected to this man made disaster ? The politicians have made little headway, through high level haze meetings through ASEAN with Indonesia, to date not ratifying the pact for haze control.  So 16 years on, we are in fact worse off, in terms of this environmental disaster. So, millions upon millions of Singapore citizens and residents are put on additional health risk, of lung related disease and worse. What about the cancellations of tour bookings, millions of visits and business opportunities cancelled, going elsewhere and general frustated sentiments ??   

        It is especially frustrating when, in Singapore, we are known for our efficiency and proactiveness  and this man made environmental disaster happens again and again. It is good that now, the S'pore ministers are pressing their Indonesian counterparts to name and press the requisite charges on the guilty companies and organisations. I hope for the sake of us all, we can have the good temperament to ride this one out. Singaporeans should be more resilient and patient as there is nothing else we can do. 

        Enough is enough, we need to take action to stop this once and for all. Meantime I wish all Singaporeans and neighbours good health and take good care by cancelling or reducing all extra activities outside, drinks lots of fluids, and pray for a speedy, permanent resolution for this.   

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...