Friday, June 24, 2022

Taming the Falcon June 2022


                  This is one of the highlights of my  recent trip to Doha Qatar . The falcon represents the bird of prey and to domesticate something like this bird is virtually impossible, but at the stop near the Southern part of Qatar called Naqqar Zuwayyid where there are numerous sand dunes, an inland sea and close to the neighbour Saudi Arabia, i managed to get my hands on taking a video with this majestic bird.

               Its character is very jumpy, so they can sense your anxiety. For the handler who has reared the bird on meat since birth, they are less frightened, but for a stranger like me, I had to calm my anxiety and slowly lift and lower my hand so that the wings are extended.

               Here is the video of the momentous occasion.


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 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...