Sunday, February 2, 2025

Day 5 Chinese New Year - Venue by Sebastien - Downtown Gallery

Chilean seabass, mushroom bacon ragout with truffle yuzu butter sauce

This was our third visit to this 'canteen style' French fusion food helmed by Sebastien, a husband and wife team who with their stable of hardworking chefs managed to pull off time and again great food at affordable prices in downtown Shenton Way, Downtown Gallery building (OUE) opposite the old Singapore Conference Hall.

The canteen style restaurant is along the walkway at Downtown Gallery and beside the Annalakshimi Indian restaurant. The food is European contemporary with an Asian twist and I dare say that all 3 visits to this 'canteen' did not disappoint AT ALL. 

For the 3 of us, we had the 3 course set dinner, one starter (broccoli salad), duck confit and the pistachio financier for $62 +++, and 2 ala carte dishes, the Chilean seabass, and the pork collar. To top it off, we picked desserts of Tiramisu and Pistachio Financier to round off the meal.  

This being the 4th day of Chinese New Year, I managed to book, without much hassle through one of the several dining portals just the day before, and getting there with parking was a breeze.

The Chilean seabass with mushroom bacon ragout, and truffle yuzu butter sauce was simply outstanding. The seabass was thick and flavourful,  with the mushroom bacon ragout very savoury. I couldn't tell if I was eating mushroom or bacon bits, such was the combined texture and taste which kept me guessing which was on my palette. The ala carte price for this is $42+++ and certainly worth every cent. 

Dip these into the truffle yuzu sauce, and I am in degustation (small bites) heaven. 



                   36 hours duck confit, truffle emulsion, mesclun, lemon mustard vignarette  

My duck confit was the best I have tasted in a long while. I've been to France a number of times, and savored the best French fare in Paris and Nice. 

Crunchy on the outside and soft, flavourfully succulent on the inside.The 'Ooh Lah Lah' moment was from the first bite, and the truffle emulsion felt like eating some lentil beans but much nicer. Certainly I could eat this another time. While it is a rather 'heaty' food, make sure to drink lots of water or wine to wash it down. There was no hint of 'gaminess' from this masterpiece. 

                              Grilled Spiced Pork Collar, Chorizo and Beans, Chilantra Yoghurt  

The grilled spiced pork collar is the second best of the main courses (Seabass being the best). It was very tender, flavourful and with the chilantra yoghurt, you could easily devour all of this in a short spell of time. This is very unlike other pork dishes, I can't describe it, but the flavour, colour and texture are appeal to my palette.

Price for this ala carte is $ 38 +++. 

Hold on for the next post where I will give my sous (pastry) review of their 2 desserts and overall impression of Venue by Sebastien.

Most of you will know my verdict, but anyway, please do enjoy the pictures above. 

Venue by Sebastien
6A Shenton Way
#01 -02
Singapore 068815

Reservations Required. 

Check Online

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Happy Chinese New Year to one and all !

My brother's and my family on 30th Jan 2025, 2nd day of Chinese New Year 2025

Here's wishing my extended family, friends, business associates, acquaintences and followers the very best for Chinese New Year 2025 !  To the best of health, family relationships, happiness and wealth this Snake Year !! =


Early Chinese New Year at the Singapore Swimming Club 18th January 2025. Our families with our cousin Wynne Leong. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025



Athletic Sports Chambers are a recent phenomenon, QRA has been fortunate to be involved with this so important technology for close to 10 years delivering systems worldwide to the following esteemed sports organizations and hospitals

1. Aspetar Doha Qatar

2. Sports Singapore

3. University of Canberra Sports Research (UCRISE) Australia

4. National University of Singapore Heat Resilience and Performance Centre

5. Defence Science Organization Singapore.

For more information do contact :

Or tel + (65) 6795 1496..

Saturday, January 18, 2025

QRA International Vision 2030


This is the Vision 2030 for QRA International set in 2010. 5 Years on, we are on track with all of the goals set to be a $ 5 Million Revenue Company with a projected EBIDTA by 2027 and US$ 5 Million Revenue Company by 2030. 

Its one thing setting lofty goals, its a totally different thing achieving them.

The actionable items I have lined up and am actively taking these steps. 

Seize the Day 

Monday, January 13, 2025

300,000 hits by June 2025 is my goal.


Doha Qatar 2022 

Think big or go home. That's my motto for this year.This year will be special for me and my readers.

Help me to achieve the mid year goal of 300,000 hits by June. Thats another 69,000 views in less than 6 months. That is roughly 11,500 views per month.

Crazy ? 

Well I will never know until I put out that audacious goal in front of me and my readers. I am doing it today.

Carpe Diem. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Good Health is the most important asset as I age


With old school friends, beside me from L to R
Simon Oh Kim Leng, Lee Oon Wah Joe, Peter Ooi, Seline Ooi. (Jan 2025)

The last few weeks have given me pause for reflection over my life. While at 62, I am considered 'young old' with 75 as the 'old' classification, I cant help but feel that my body needs more sleep to recover as well as having the right balance between the following

a) stress and anxiety

b) exercise

c) financial security

d) good health

e) family relationships

f) friends relationships

Stress and Anxiety 

I need some stress and anxiety in my life. This is not to say that having no stress is ideal, or a lot of stress is bad. I need to be engaged in the world both mentally, physically and spiritually. This is the concept of 'in the present'.

Being in the present means that there will be things to be concerned about, like our families, children's well being and the circumstances which we are surrounded by. Cost of living pressures, aging issues, mental well being, and peace of mind are all what I would say would contribute to the stress and anxiety level.

Would I want to live a less stressful life ? Well, yes, but then again, if I am faced with challenges each day which necessitates me to use my wisdom, life experience and street smarts, I would say that keeps me and and my mind on my toes.

So, I choose not to take big financial risks at my age, that is the No # 1 Rule. So I can sleep easy each night.


Tons of research has shown that vigorous exercise releases a) dopamine and b) endorphins.

These are the 'feel good' chemicals naturally released by the body, and this aids in the overall well being of the person who partakes in exercise. There are 2 components to exercise :

a) Cardiovascular - this is for the heart and legs, primarily for proper functioning of the heart, valves and the most common exercises would be running, brisk walking, swimming, hiking and (if we live in the temperate zones) cross country skiing.

b) Weight bearing exercises -  Push ups, situps, load carrying using shoulder, upper and lower back and pull ups, all would be necessary as part of my weekly regimen to be ready for the third age.

c) Financial Security

a) A comfortable home, with no outstanding mortgage 

b) transport - a reliable car (mine is the Mercedes E250, with COE paid till 2029).

c) Enough in Medisave and a comprehensive Integrated Health Plan for all health contingencies. 

d) A comprehensive payout plan for me, in the event of any of the 35 deadly diseases. I took this plan just before I turned 60 years of age.

d) Good Health  - Top Most Prized Asset

I am fortunate to be able to say, that I am in good health and go for a complete health screening check up of my blood, stool and urine. I have been doing this since I was 25 years of age. 

I am now encouraging my 2 sons to do the same, and go for the same,. 

My most recent blood, urine and stool test showed no major health issues. I must not be complacent. At a recent get together with friends, there were some who had

a) triple heart bypass (2 I know of)

b) diabetes (at least 5)

c) double heart attack, and heart attack.

d) stents inserted and stents within the stents.

e) Cancer (at least one succumbed to the disease last year) ; at least 2 who have told me

f) Mental issues (depression)

Health Supplements 

I have been taking health supplements since I was in m/y early 40s, so a good 20 years of accumulated nutrients have been ingested. Has this been a boost to my health over these last 2 decades ? 

I would say a resounding "Yes".

In another post I will highlight all the supplement tablets and softgels I have been taking on a daily basis. It has not done me any harm, in fact, it has boosted my immune system over the years. ! 

Family Relationships

With Andrew (to my left) and Noel 

Nov 2022 

A happy and united family is the key to each and every person's well being. A capable, supportive and engaging wife is my most treasured asset. Not everybody is destined to be married or in a relationship, so I can only speak for myself.

I also have a pretty good relationship with my 2 sons, 30 and 27 and treasure each conversation I hold with them, and it is a 2 way street - I have learnt to respect their way of life and they, mine.

Happier Times with my 2 Cousins in KL

Peter (passed on in Feb 2024) and Gerard 

For my relatives, I pledge to be a more participating cousin for the future, I was so shocked and saddened when my first cousin Peter Abisheganaden passed away on 8 Feb 2024, just one day before the eve of Chinese New Year at the very young age of 63. Is brought me to realise that relationships are very important and keeping up with the meetups with first, immediate family, extended family and friends are so so important.

Friends Relationships

Many of my old school friends are reconnecting. We realise ever so objectively 

a) Life is short

b) People forget about you, about one week after you are gone

c) How much you amass is of no concern to anybody outside of your next of kin. Even then, the next of kin, probably would want to get on with their lives sooner rather than later. The only good thing is that if you have left a great legacy in terms of sharing life experiences, coaching  and right values, together with some assets.

Hence the rush to reconnect with the people from my youth. There is no agenda, with the only goal of

a) Shared Happy Co experiences of the remaining time I have left

b)  Bonding with people of my generation. They are the true survivors and the outlook they have will be totally different with mine. Why ? Because each will walk his own path, each will face challenges, failures and setbacks time and again. How they react or not at all eventually moulds into their character.

I do not judge, for who am I ? Just another ordinary human being.

c) Bonding with the younger generation. They hold the future, so the AI and robotic landscape, the sky high property prices and the fascination with all things environmentally friendly is in their frame of mind.

I need to adapt and at least be accepting. This will be their world, in a few short years, (hopefully decades), my influence, mental cognizance and relevance will all be reduced to next to nothing. In the meantime, I need to adapt or be left by the side of the information and AI superhighway.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy 2025 ! My Goals Business and Personal

Happy New Year Everyone !  

Unlike many of my peers, I had a very uneventful New Year's Eve and I am so glad that I did.

This morning, on New Year's Day, at 9am, I managed to ger myself to Dalvey Estate Road to put in a 6 km run in the early morning.

I am so glad that I did, as this reflects my desire to push through come whatever may, to achieve my set goals, how high these might be and achieve them.

2025 Goals - Business and Work

1. Sales Revenue 

   $ 3 Million minimum

2. Profit Target

   $ 1 Million

2025 Goals - Personal

1. Run 2 marathons

2. Weight of 69 kg

3. Keep Healthy and Happy.  

4. On time for every appointment 

5. Say 'No' whenever necessary. 

There it is. 

Carpe Diem 

St Paul et Vence ; dining in the small alleyway up above all the towns

  A clear cloudless  blue sky ; pristine winter weather of 18  C,                 a spread of the best French veal and place There is a time...