Singapore hosted F1's first ever Night Race located in the City District of
Marina Square,Stamford Road,Raffles Boulevard and Raffles Avenue. With more than 500 million people watching and easily half of Singaporeans either at the Race circuit,at the local pubs,restaurants or at home, it was an enormous success with plenty of thrills,crashes,screw-ups (Ferrari mainly) and the never to be forgotten "yeeoum" sound of the V8s of those phenomenal cars driven by the ice-for- blood drivers of world class standard.
For the record, Fernando Alonso (Renault) won with Nico Rosberg (Williams) and Lewis Hamilton (MacLaren Merceded) taking 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Lewis Hamilton leads by 8 points in the 2008 drivers category. Felipe Massa - poor guy - lucked out when the pitstop turned into a refuelling nightmare with the fuel pipe still stuck into his car and those stocky mechanics ran the 100 m to the car like they were in slow motion ! They need someone from Jamaica in their team.
I tried very hard using both my mobile phone 3.2 MPixel camera and the Olympus 7.1 MPixel with ASA400 shutter but could not freeze frame these speedsters.
F1, Singapore has arrived finally.