As I was having my morning coffee at Starbucks today,I felt I had to put in my 2 cents worth for the "little people" as Sebastian put it. The people who are working
day in day out for their take-home pay and struggle to make ends meet. That is
probably about 90% of the general population at large. Spare a thought about :
1. The retired couple who lost as much as $250,000 when they were approached by the
Bank's Relationship Manager in a 'Capital Guaranteed' Minibond Investment fund.
2. The workers who are seeing inflation going up as much as 10% per year for basic
necessities like eggs,rice,vegetables,poultry.
3. Oil prices fluctuating up and down and people giving up their cars for public
4. More and more companies will go under, credit will be tighter,more unemployment
will be upon us and even more people will be pushed down to the 'newly poor'.
As my friend puts it, "it will all come to pass", the world at large has had 2 World Wars,Great Depression,Oil Price Hike in 70s, SARS,Asian Tsunami,9-11, multiple global recessions. We are still around.
Be patient,take stock,take a long term investment view. Don't worry,be happy.
I don't drive a Ferrari so I don't need to feel bad when I am forced to sell
something which I don't have.