Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crisis ? What Crisis ?

My son Andrew, turned 11 on October 25th this past week, so HE arranged his own party by inviting 4 friends over to our house for a) Xbox 360, b) Play Station Portable and c) Maple Story gaming for 4 hours.
It was very timely as the last time he celebrated was in 2006 and that was
a testosterone filled party (about 10 boys / teenagers) whereby his brother Noel invited all the neighbourhood friends and it was a riot !
This time around, he sent out Personal Invitation Cards, asked his friends what they were giving him (at this age it is OK to be impolite !) which were mainly Maple Story cards and stuff and it was Game On from 2pm to 6pm.
When you are 0- 12 years old you are in La La Land and everything is in serach of fun.
Come to think of it, us men are in La La Land even when we are 40+ !!.


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