Friday, May 28, 2010

Running Tips and Tricks ; 50K team run

Stretch before, during and after the run

Last Saturday 22nd May,I took part in the Passion Card 50K combined team run where each team member runs 25Km and the combined time is added and totalled up. My friend from Karate Jane, was my running mate, and other friends, CH Teo and Tiffany Lai were also running. As my running hobby has spanned over 10 years, with 4 marathons and 10 half marathons, I can humbly say that I know some tricks and tips to maintain a decent speed during the run and possibly recovery from the run too. Here are some tips which a new runner can and should follow just prior to the race. I am assuming that the runner has been training religiously and regularly during the months running up for the big race.

Lace your shoes with the Championchip Properly

Firstly, read all the instructions in the handout for the race. This will include how to lace up the shoes, and some running etiquette (proper behaviour). They are as shown in the list below :

a) Keep to the left of the lane, if you are faster and want to overtake, then do so on the right.
b) Don't block people if you stop and walk, go to the left of the lane
c) Stop at water points, and drink just at the point or just after the point
d) Don't spit anywhere, do it in an appropriate manner and make sure there is no oncoming wind, else you or the person next
to you gets spit in their face !
e) Smile for the cameras, before the run and at the finish line.

Know the Route Well. This was at the East Coast Parkway starting from the Ski Center; Total Distance 25 Km

Preparations for the Race
a) Train, Train, Train. As much as 60 - 100km per week for around 3 months before the full marathon to achievere maximum
performance and fitness (this is a reminder to me as it is to the reader)

b) Know the route well, this is to help you VISUALISE how far you have left to go and you can mentally prepare for the full
distance - very important !

c) Bring energy gels (like GU and Powergels) ; these are complex carbohydrates and will not breakdown and give you the immediate spurt, rather it will give you continuous energy for up to 1 hour. Stategise when to take it (like every 10K) and ensure you drink LOTS OF FLUID so that it assimilates well into your system

d) Electrolyte tablets are another source of helping your muscles minimise the buildup of lactic acid . This is a great tip from
Jane Peng , my karate classmate. Take one every 20k with water. Very helpful.

Energy Gels and Electtrolyte Tablets

During the Race

a) Drink water at every water point, this is critical as runners need to be well hydrated and replenished. Additionally, 100plus has electolytes to help reduce the onset of cramps and muscle soreness

b) Take the pain spray. This is offered by the aides along the way, it is called Salonpas anti-pain spray and is a Godsend. It will
cool and thus take away the muscle ache at least for 15 minutes. Critical during the final stages of the run.

c) If cramp hits you, don't panic,stop, stretch, walk first and then run on the forefoot of your feet. This will alleviate the cramp on the hamstring portion. I guarantee it.

There, all the tips from an old 'warhorse'. Time to get ready for the Year end Marathon !! See you at the Startline !!

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