From left, Jason Chua, Roland Teo, Mr. Chia Kwek Fah, Jane Peng, Li Han, Esther Tan, Me
The Ken Shin Kai Karate club has been in existence for 12 years already. Founded by Mr. Chia Kwek Fah, it boasts over 100 alumni from Ngee Ann Polytechnic dojos (schools) and Tanglin Comunity Club and active members number around 30. I have been an active member in the dojo (school) for 8 years now and after attaining my Black Belt (1st Dan) in 2007 have still been quite regular in my training attendance.
The KSK club focusses on Shitoryu karate, one of the 4 major schools of karate taught and our members come from all walks of life, some as young as 7 years old and others in their 50s. Mr. Chia himself, is a very agile and active senior member. He has recently graduated with a degree in Sports Science from Edith Cowan University in Australia and has begun to incorporate sports science techniques into the training to add a further dimension to the age old martial art.
We occasionally have social sessions for our members to chill out and have fun such as the picture above, when Jane Peng
rejoined us from overseas studies, so its not just train and train.
Our classes are every Sunday from 6pm to 7.30pm at the Tanglin Community Centre. Course fees are $ 60 per module of 12 lessons every quarter. Grading is conducted every 3 - 4 months. All are welcome. Be prepared for a very thorough workout !
If you have any interest, you can email me at and I can arrange an introductory lesson (free) for you at the club.