Saturday, July 24, 2010

Life, seize every opportunity for meaningful friendship and make each day count

Friends from all over the world

Recently, I heard the news that a friend from Taiwan was sick from liver disease, and another acquaintence had his marriage broken down. Sad facts of our lives which are moving at breakneck speed in this Internet related globalised world where everybody is chasing their dreams of making more money and forgetting about things that really do matter.

I started this blog in May 2008 as a way of expressing my thoughts and feelings of my own life, however mundane it may be. I have been told by 2 friends, a long time friend of over 30 years and another friend who has known me for 10, that I have a very blessed and fortunate life and should treasure it. I thank God for this life and ever since my realisation of my mortality 4 over years ago, I have made many many attempts to seize each and every day to treasure its experiences.

Writing a blog, to me, comes naturally. I have established a small following and am thankful for all of you page views and comments, positive and negative. I do not wish to be a 'media whore' whose mundane life is glamourised because some people in the Internet world have nothing else better to do than to surf for smutty images and see which talentless celebrity has been jailed for not paying their speeding fines or doing something stupid. I do not wish to advertise, 'Hey Look at Me', I am _______, have done _________ to anybody with half a brain. I do not need to advertise whether I own a Mercedes Benz, or have _______ houses worth ____________ millions. The Internet sadly has cultivated in the current young generation with the hedonistic, fast profits and 'look at me first' attitude which is so prevalent. I am not one for glorifying myself, not in this way, no.

The blog posts is to remind myself, that life is indeed very short, and as a small diary to myself that I have done these things which bring hope, joy and happiness to myself and my loved ones.

Going back to my friend from Taiwan, Jacky. I hope you get better, I will want to visit you to establish some good ties with you and possibly move things forward. For the acquaintence, whose marriage broke down, its sad things had to work out that way, you would probably question and ask God " Why me? Why this time ?".

I don't have the answers. There are always 2 sides to a story. Whatever doesn't break you will only make you stronger.
You have to be strong for your loved ones. They count on you everyday.

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