Monday, December 27, 2010

What goes through the mind of a Skier

                                                                      Chilling in ChunCheon Korea

  I have been to ski resorts a total of 3 times and been skiing for the last 5 years on and off, and I can  say that it is one of the most satisfying sports I have tried. It is also a very terrifying sport, especially when you are on the chairlift or ski-lift on the way up to the top of the hill or mountain as the only way down the hill or mountain is through your skis and one mistaken slip, overly fast downhill or uncontrollable speed can land one crashing and landing awkwardly can cause injuries amounting to broken limbs,or even loss of life.

 Having said that, it is as safe as driving, if one takes lessons from qualified ski instructors and undergo fitness training before attempting the slopes.  My son Andrew fractured his wrist when another snowborder knocked into him and I myself tore some ligaments when I fell awkwardly, in all places, at the ski training centre in Singapore. So it is best to come to the slopes trained and well prepared.

 What goes on in the minds of a skiier. I am going to say these  :

a) a prayer to God to help me ski down that damn mother of all mountains and not break a leg or worse.

b) a self assured mantra (repetitive chanting) that I can conquer the steepest slope because I can swerve
    and stop and control my speed and its not so difficult after all. Looking at all those young kids who ski
   with no fear in their eyes and going at 60 km/h downhill makes my attempt feel quite pedestrian.

    Its true that the older you are, the greater the fear of failure, danger and death. Its called 'KIASU' and 'KIASI' in Singapore.

c) Telling everyone in my group that each day I will attempt a tougher and steeper (bigger objective) hill.
    After that I have no face but to conquer my fears by attempting the bigger objective because I said so.

   That are the 3 things that go through my mind. It works well for those with a big ego, but the true test comes when you have to prove that YOU CAN DO IT !

   When I am skiing down, I am terrified as well as exhilarated at the same time. The rush is quite

    I should try sky diving next time, and see whether the adrenalin and endorphin (body's natural feel good chemicals released during high activity sport) high is the same.

  Carpe Diem.

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