Sunday, June 5, 2011


                                      2  karatekas at the ready ; notice the different 'ready for combat' styles

      Meet my new found friend Danail from Bulgaria, he is the boss of the company representing in Bulgaria for my principal Weiss. Coincidentally, we both share the same passion for karate, and Danail has trained for 6 years with the Kyokushin school of fighters and only since last year with the Shotokan school of karate in Bulgaria.

      The Kyosushin school is heavy into free sparring or kumite and Danail has had his rib broken from a fight, amongst other injuries. It is a full contact sport, so injuries are common. Shotokan is another contact form of karate, although international competitions penalise full contact, there are 'players' who go all out in their enthusiasm to score a point.

       Shitoryu branch which I am practising is quite free flowing, although the free sparring is more of light contact than full contact.  This photo was taken when we were going up to the castle in Wurzburg.
Good promotional shot for a movie I must admit.  


Jane said...

Niiice! Taking karate to every corner of the world :)

Seize the Day said...

Thanks Jane :)

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