Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Andrew - in advance !

Family portrait in Egypt 2009
Andrew is on the extreme right, Noel is to my right.

     In 10 days time, my younger son will be 14, a fully fledged teenager. How time flies. I still recall the days when he was a baby, and he had a thick shock of hair, a mango-shaped head and smiled many times to everybody. When he was a toddler, he charmed many people, with his winsome smile and easy demeanour. He was never short of people wanting to carry him.

    One trip, some 9 years ago, my parents and our family went for a 3 day 2 night stay at Club Med Bintan, Indonesia. Andrew was around 4 years old, and was a real bundle of energy- as I recall. My wife, May had packed for the 1 hour ferry trip plus half hour bus trip to the resort, alot of nice healthy fruits and cooling drinks, fearing that the boys would be out running around in the hot sun, and sea, and eating all kinds of junk food.  So anyway, as we were in the ferry for the 1 hour ride, every other family, had bags and bags of potato crisps, and soft drinks.  So, being the street smart fellow all of 4 years old, Andrew ignored the fruits and barley drink which May had offered to him. Instead, he went all around the ferry and started chatting with the fellow holidaymakers, total strangers. With his winsome smile, charm and some pathetic looks, he managed to get (this is no joke), enough packets of potato crisps to feed him and his brother, Noel. We we stunned speechless to say the least. This boy can fend for himself in future life, I think. 

       Happy Birthday in advance Andrew !!


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