Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Buying a washing machine in 15 minutes

    This article will rile some readers but this is the difference between men and women. As a man, I make quick decisions on the functionality of a household product, so when our home washing machine broke down, my wife asked me to buy one from the local white goods store, Best Denki, and I did.

    The store is located at downtown Vivocity, near town, and when it opened at 10am, I went down there with the specs of my old washing machine which was a Bosch 1601 L, side loaded, able to handle 7kgs and programmable for various temperatures and soak times. The only thing not adjustable was the rpm or revolutions per minute. So I got the attention of the salesperson, discussed price, specs, delivery, time (2 days) and WHAM paid in full. 15 minutes, using my debit card and it delivered in 2 days with installation and replacement of the old machine all in.

       Singapore and some Singaporeans (like lucky me) have things so easy, materialwise. We can purchase many items, maybe even a car without having to take a loan. We should be very thankful that we live in a clean, modern, fully developed, low tax country , run by a competent non-corrupt Government with top medical care,dining and medical care facilities at our doorstep. 

       Why oh why do some Singaporeans still whinge and bicker about every small inefficiency ? Life is too good that we need to nitpick ? Lets be more gracious and caring to the less fortunate in our midst.           

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