Thursday, February 14, 2013

Unbelievable ! Only in Singapore ; Condo Units selling like Cinema Tickets !

The Marina, one of a number of property developments in Sentosa

       I'm sure everyone of you has visited the cinemas recently. If you book by Internet, all you need is a valid credit card, choose your seat(s) and in 10 minutes, you are booked to watch the Zero Dark Thirty at the nearest or most convenient theatre near your home or office.

       For those of us, who wish to try our luck the old way, by going to the cinema and buying them from the counter, well you first scan the bank of LED screens situated outside the Golden Village ,Shaw, Eng Wah movie theatre. You will see the movies flashed up there, the time and also, if the tickets are finishing quickly, you would see the words "selling fast".
No problem, the ticket is what, $10 to $12. If you miss it, you can always catch another movie around the same time or wait and have dinner and catch the next available movie.

     Now, I ventured to this website by a prestigious developer, who is selling a number of "exclusive" condos by the waterside of Sentosa. What do I see there ?   'SELLING FAST'.

he Marina Collection - Unit Sizes & Pricing

TypeSizeEstimated PricingUnits
3 Bedrooms 1,873 / 2,099 sqftUpon Request42 Units
4 Bedrooms2,185 / 2,347 / 2,390 / 2,519 / 2,766 sqftUpon Request39 Units
4 Bedrooms + Studio2,788 / 3,272 sqftUpon Request12 Units
Penthouse 4 Bedrooms3,369 sqftUpon Request14 Units
Penthouse 5 Bedrooms3,757 / 3,907 sqftUpon Request13 Units
Penthouse 6 Bedrooms4,693 sqftUpon Request4 Units
    Wait a minute, these are selling at $5 to $8 miillion a Condo Unit ! SELLING FAST ???   
    My US and European friends,acquaintences and colleagues who read this will be astounded at the vibrancy and fluidity at which property is selling in Singapore. Is the developer engaging in Cinema Sales ? Do people have so much cash to spend over in Singapore ?

    Can you believe it ??   

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