Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Proviva G ; Great new Health Supplement using Pre and Probiotics

Proviva G 

This revolutionary health supplement from Singapore is what I have been taking these past few months with great results.  

I have been taking health supplements for the last 10 years, owing to my rigorous sports training (long distance running and martial arts), as well as as having a health scare almost 10 years ago, when I collapsed due to unknown reasons just before a karate class. 

After having a full brain scan, plus blood tests, the results were inconclusive, except that from that day onwards, I decided to really take care of my health, adequate management of stress (don't take life so seriously),have enough sleep, enough exercise (not extreme, not too little but just right), healthy diet and lastly (not least) health supplements.

So I decided to read up on health supplements, and embarked on taking upwards to 10 health supplements daily. 

We should all take care of our own bodies and health as it is the one and only true 'gifts' we can give to our family, relatives and friends is the presence, love, vision and care as a spouse or partner, parent, colleague, cousin, uncle, aunt, and friend.  We all would love to 'live long and prosper' and see our children grow up, have kids of their own and experience all the joys and struggles each one of us is bestowed in each of our lives.   

An article recently in the BBC news made me sit up and take notice : 

WHO (World Health Organization) recently published an article that said that the amount of sugar intake in people's daily lives  should be halved (cut by 50%).

The outcome if this is not heeded is that given todays' adult calorie and sugar consumption, the bulk of the population will be afflicted with the modern day diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and even cancer. 

We are all in the 'rat race' in this modern world, so  like it or not, we are eating, drinking processed foods like fast foods, hawker foods, restaurant fare,  potato chips, cookies, ice cream, you name it, there is some percentage of hydrogenated fats and oils in practically everything we consume.

Drinking of sports drinks, canned drinks, coffee (instant or brewed), tea, beverages of every kind, wines, beer, spirits, you name it there is something called sugars in  all of these. 

What are we facing in today's fast paced and stressful society ? 

Metabolic syndrome is a common and progressive lifestyle disease which is afflicts almost 2 billion people worldwide, and ultimately leads to chronic diseases such as diabetes (type 2), heart disease, stroke and cancer.  

We know of this, but many of us chose to ignore the elephant in the room - the coming pandemic...  

Anyway to cut a long story short, I did some research and found that there is this revolutionary  health supplement using Prebiotics and Probiotics with plant extracts with known healing properties and I decided to give it a try.  

Proviva -G is a Phytosymbiotic which uses Prebiotics (complex carbohydrate), and Probiotics (Good bacteria) and fermented with traditional foods such as Bitter Gourd and Moringa Olifera. 

Bitter Gourd and Moringa Olifera have traditionally been effective in reducing high blood sugar, but large amounts of both have to be taken daily to be effective. 

Proviva -G has been clinically tested and shown to be effective to balance blood glucose (HbA1C) leadng to diabetes , Low Density Lipoprotein ('bad' chlolesterol), High density
Lipoprotein ('good' cholesterol) leading to heart disease

I have been on statins due to high cholesterol (since last year when my total cholesterol level hit 300), so I did a blood test in March to determine my total cholesterol ; it had reduced to 270. 

Still very high.

Since April when I started on the course of Proviva G, I have felt my overall wellness to be much better and chest tightness reduced, I plan to take my complete blood and medical test end of June.

I believe I will be pleasantly surprised by the results. 

1 comment:

StevenHWicker said...

Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information. Probiotics Singapore

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