Saturday, September 20, 2014


Have I aged ?

Taken in 2008 outside the then QRA office

June 21st 2014 outside the Teen Ho Wan Dim Sum Restaurant HK

June 18th taken with Andrew, my son who is 16 going on 17

Taken on Sept 1st 2014 with Krid at QRA Int'l office 

On looking at some photos from the past, I am pleasantly shocked and happy to learn that I am aging slowly and hopefully gracefully. Time has indeed been kind to me. If there is any 'secret formula' it is a combination of 4 things which I have been doing since my mid ' 30s. These 3 things are :

1. Manage stress - it is a killer and a ticking time bomb if I let the daily stresses get to me. In addition, weight management is key. 

2. Eat healthy -  This is all thanks to my wife, as she has always emphasised on eating fresh and steamed (clean) foods right from the day we got married and lived together.  

3. Exercise extensively - in my fast paced life, I make this a priority, what with running at least 3 times a week (at least 5 km each run, many longer runs), shitoryu karate training (once every 
    sunday and one practice session at home)

4. Take health supplements - My previous posts have highlighted all the supplements which I have been taking religiously everyday for the past 10 plus years.

 So there it is ; I feel blessed in every way, having good health is so important to having a positive outlook in life.

   Seize the Day.   

Remembering Geoffrey Abisheganaden 1919 - 2010

Singing at our wedding in 1993

     My dear father, Geoffrey Abisheganaden passed away 4 years ago on this day. He was 90 almost 91 years of age, his birthday being the 23rd of November. I always remember that my Dad's birthday came first on 23rd, followed by mine 27th and my Mum's on 30th November all in a span of 1 week !

      Papa (as we used to call him) was a wonderful servant of God, a devout Christian owing to his strong family committment as his father (my Grandfather) was an Anglican priest, who migrated first to Penang and then to Singapore in the 1930s. Geoffrey was musically gifted and had a magnificent baritone voice. He was a stalwart at the Saint Andrew's Cathedral choir and also sang at many functions lending a virtuoso performance many a time. He performed several times publicly at the Singapore Conference Hall at Shenton Way in the 1970s. Called the 4 Voices, he was the baritone, with Shirley Fleury, David Lim and Catherine Lam as the Alto, Tenor and Soprano respectively.

    Geoffrey was a talented and dedicated lawyer and in his prime was the assistant to the late David Marshall or first Chief Minister of Singapore in the 50s and early 60s. He defended many people and also did a lot of pro-bono work for people who couldn't afford legal fees. His firm Abisheganaden and Co. which he established in 1970 was located at the shophouses which were formerly the go - downs of the Boat Quay. 

                                    A famous picture after an evening function outside the then Tropicana                                                          Hotel, the  hotel is now Royal Plaza at Scotts 

    One fond memory of this was walking up the musty and dusty stairwell which was not cleaned for perhaps 20 years, to his office. He had a male head legal clerk, TT Fry as well as numerous other female clerks assisting him at the office. 

    Another unforgettable memory I have of him was that, he had a habit of sleep talking, so he would be yelling and shouting out (sometimes swearing) his legal cases in the dead of the night, luckily we were then living in a large bungalow where the neighbours were at least 200 meters away. It was a right ruckus !  My mother would not dare wake him up and we would all be awoken by the shouting in his sleep, but after awhile, he would then simmer down and we would then all drift to sleep ! 

    He was a loving father, and though he was busy occupied with many social committments, such as the President of the NUS Guild House (at Adam Road) in the late 60s to 1970, the President of the Bible House, Singapore Swimming Club legal convenor (almost 20 years), YMCA legal adviser, St. Andrew's Junior College Chairman of Board of Governors, St. Andrew's School Board of Governors, St Andrew's Cathedral legal adviser among many others H always found time to be there for me and my brother John during the key times of our lives such as exam results, graduation, and family holidays. We had many wonderful memories of the clever, articulate, 

                                                   Li Bai, Sheraton Towers dinner taken in 2009

kind hearted, and God fearing man who was my father, Geoffrey Abisheganaden. He must be happy in God's house  having served so willingly  and faithfully all his life. 

He also helped me when he gave alot of expert advice to our debate team during the times I represented the then Nanyang Technological Institute (NTI) in the televised  TV debates in 1984 and 1986 against the likes of the fearfully renowned NUS team I and II, the IE, and the Polytechnics.  We reached the semifinals in 1984 and the finals in 1986 for the record. 

He is surely missed and loved by those who were close to him, family, friends in Singapore and around the world.   

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...