Sunday, November 19, 2017

My hero ? Michael J. Fox

A video detailing the early signs of Parkinson's disease, before the tremors. 
a) Small handwriting
b) Loss of Smell

My hero for several years now, has been Michael J. Fox, of Family Ties fame. He shot into stardom at an early age (in the early 20s) with the Back to the Future series, playing the Marty McFly character to much commercial success.

In 1991, when he was barely 30 years old, he discovered he had Parkinson's disease, a dibilitating disease which till today there is no cure. However, through his sheer effort, he formed the Michael J. Fox foundation and it is doing very well with lots of sponsoships and visibility.

His humility, humour and sheer resilience in the face of this disease is admirable, having battled this monster on a daily basis for the last 36 years. I am truly in admiration of this man, who has 4 children, and has written several books since his diagnosis, one of the most memorable being " Lucky Man".

Never take your situation or condition as the end of the world, the world goes on with or without you. So, wake up each morning and thank God that you are here and you have your health, your wits and your loved ones.

Keep pressing on with all your might ; find a cause which is close to your values and pursue it with conviction. You will be the better for it.  If you haven't found a cause, keep looking and like Steve Jobs said, never settle. 

Stay Hungry, and Be Foolish. Only then will we be facing adversities and growing. 

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