Monday, January 1, 2018

My Wishes for 2018

Eating Healthy and Exercise 5 x weekly ;
Sushi is good ; but skimp on the soya sauce - salt is one of the 4 'white' killers.

I have departed from the usual personal goal settings for the last 10 years ; which did improve my life from 2007 till 2017; I did a fair amount of marathons, got some competency in martial arts, learnt to ski, learnt new languages (very basic but its a start) but certain things still remain elusive. 

So here are my wishes for 2018 ; starting from external and then personal.While I can't do much on the external front, I can wish for something good to happen in 2018 can't I ?  

Worldwide / Local

a)There will be a peace throughout the world, less antagonistic and jingoistic "USA first" kind of rhetoric is alarming and divisive to say the least ; all members of UN should also take steps to not only reduce the armageddon talk (N Korea and US for example) and try to forge some kind of win-win relationship. We seem every few months on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe.  


b)There will be an inclusive attitudes amongst all peoples of the world and the threat of extremism is under control. Extremist terror groups are always there, so it is wise to be prepared for anything  catastropic in Singapore or overseas. It is going to be the year of living dangerously not knowing what and when the next wave of disruption and turmoil will happen.  


c)The rich poor divide is more apparent these last 10 years what with the rise of new billionaires from the emerging new superpowers China and India and the US printing much more currency to flood the market (quantitative easing they called it), and the slipping down the slippery slope from middle class to poverty of many people all within 1 generation is a scary scenario. This is something I wish we could as a society manage better. 


c) Singapore, may we have a better year on the economic front ; the transition from traditional business to the smart nation using Internet of Things is painful, especially for seniors (yes I am getting there in 5 years) like me and my peers. We know that PMETS are continually under threat by new technologies (block-chain, big data and Bitcoins), automation (driverless cars, cleaners and service personnel are coming) so we need to stay relevant ; that means training, and retraining ourselves lest we drop out from the treadmill in no time. The fall from grace is fast and painful ; so we must adapt or go down 



a) Health in Body, Mind and Finances ; I will cut back on needless phone checks on websites like Facebook, Youtube and the like ; reading from the net requires alot of discretion and an independent mind is very crucial.  Having friends from many social strata is also important to understand that society is made up of all kinds and not just rich, elites, and scholars.  


b)  Balanced lifestyle for a better and happier me ;  I know what makes me happy and I will continue to pursue  my personal goals (private) so that 2018 will be an exemplary year for me and I can uplift and motivate those around me to be of their best potential.


Seize every Day  ;  2018 Bring it On !! 

                                                        The Abisheganandens 

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