Sunday, August 5, 2018

1991 Simplon Pass Switzerland Drive Through and Stop for Scenery

An unforgettable drive into the Swiss Alps and I have this video to show for it. I stopped to take this video and all the Jungfrau range's glory. My car was an Opel Astra, I think. 

This trip was made possible because my mentor Frank Rigley 'pushed' me into driving in Europe, something I thought was impossible back in those young adulthood days. I was so happy I took up his suggestion and the drive through Germany to Switzerland (into the Jung Frau mountain ranges) was nothing short of unforgettable ! 

The roads were and are winding, so some experience and skill is required of the driver. I was all of 29 years of age then. 

Now, as I approach 56 in a matter of days, all these old videos are all the more precious to me. 

Enjoy ! 

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