Sunday, January 24, 2021

Basic Military Training 1981 Charlie Company Platoon 4

 A good friend of mine Dr Chan Yue Meng, sent me this photo today. This was taken 40 years ago ! 

This is Section 3 of Platoon 4, led by LTA Chua Tee, 2LT Phua in Terror Barracks, in Marsiling area.

At the back L - R : Lau Wing Tai, Dr Chan Yew Meg, Sasi Kumar (those I can remember anyways)

At the front : Yeo Lay Wee (extreme left), Wee Liang Chee and myself. 

I wish I could remember the names of the gentlemen those 40 years ago.

This was such a long time ago. The guy next to me is a Dr Wee Liang Chee, who is a really established gentleman who has settled in the USA (Iowa I believe).

My friend reminded me of the days, when I was reed thin, had Nana Mouskouri spectacles and could run sub 9 minute 2.4 km runs !

Oh, the memories !

Monday, January 18, 2021

A Belated New Year's Post - My Raison D'ete.

2021 started off quite awfully for many people all over the world. The spectre of the COVID -19 is still above all our heads. We have to be mindful and adopt safe practices for all of our wellbeings and for our safety's sake.

On 20th Jan 2021, there will be the inaugartion of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the USA. There will be maximum security and the losing Trump supporters will surely be sulking not so quietly.

I pray for a peaceful transition of power.

On the business and personal front for me, I am grateful to be living in  the safe and secure Singapore, which after the first missteps in the early days of COVID, our 4G leaders seem to be putting numerous safety nets to trace and track, isolate and treat the COVID carriers who can be non-symptomatic or symptomatic. 

2021 started off uncertainly, but I am 110% determined to make the most of a rather uncomfortable year. I wish to state my Raison D'ete (reason for living) in this most public domain 

My cognitive success will be fuelled by setting and achieving goals,large and small as often as possible.

Simple day to day goals (for example) :

a) make my own bed

b) tidying up after myself (plates, utensils, glassed)

c) Proper time management ; setting and keeping proper appointment times 

d) Saying 'NO" effectively

:My business will be the extension of my universal and corporate persona. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will be the cornerstone. Profits coupled with an altruistic view. 

My personal life will be driven by maintaining a happy family, exercising frequently,eating wisely and maintaining a wide spectrum of  family, friends, business associates, classmates and acquaintences for the betterment of our collective experiences. 



Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...