Sunday, January 24, 2021

Basic Military Training 1981 Charlie Company Platoon 4

 A good friend of mine Dr Chan Yue Meng, sent me this photo today. This was taken 40 years ago ! 

This is Section 3 of Platoon 4, led by LTA Chua Tee, 2LT Phua in Terror Barracks, in Marsiling area.

At the back L - R : Lau Wing Tai, Dr Chan Yew Meg, Sasi Kumar (those I can remember anyways)

At the front : Yeo Lay Wee (extreme left), Wee Liang Chee and myself. 

I wish I could remember the names of the gentlemen those 40 years ago.

This was such a long time ago. The guy next to me is a Dr Wee Liang Chee, who is a really established gentleman who has settled in the USA (Iowa I believe).

My friend reminded me of the days, when I was reed thin, had Nana Mouskouri spectacles and could run sub 9 minute 2.4 km runs !

Oh, the memories !

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