Sunday, March 27, 2022

In the Midst of the Global Uncertainties, there is always Sudoku

The world is facing unprecedented challenges. The conflict in Ukraine is tragic, as is the COVID -19 situation which has cost the globe millions of lives like nothing ever experienced in our lifetime. Businesses are facing supply chain disruptions, ever rising costs of goods, oil prices, pump prices, electricity and in general, costs of things are going up at a high pace. COEs are skyrocketing, as the the resale of HDB flats and new condominiums.

It is easy to feel down about the uncertain situation, as everyday we are inundated with bad news in the international front, as well as the local front. So, it was a big relief that the Ministers announced that the group sizes for going out and meeting has been raised from 5 to 10, as well as the intermittent use of masks, provided we have all had our booster shots.

Today, I am just so pleased to report that I managed to finish the ST Sudoku after 2 weeks of failing to complete. It took me longer than usual, but the fact of the matter is that I completed it. A little pat on my back. 

Persistence, dogged determination and patience is a must.

The small victory today will bode me well for the challenging months ahead, as see some light at the end of this dark and stormy period.

Carpe Diem ! 


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