Friday, April 15, 2022

Remembering Good Friday


Photo credits to Alicia Quan 

              Here's wishing all my Christian friends a thoughtful Good Friday.

Every religion has its good values and Christianity is no different. While the war in Ukraine is progressing, with thousands of deaths, and accusations of genocide and war crimes,let us not be diassociated with the other troubles in other parts of the world which we are aware of :

a) The plight of the Rohinga in Myanmar
b) The economic malaise in Sri Lanka
c) The political upheaval in Pakistan
d)  The ongoing war and unrest in Syria and the new takeover of Afghanistan

News outlets have a responsibility to present fair, evidence based reporting with no agenda other than showing the world the truth. However the 'truth' is always the first to be compromised when the media is from certain parts of the world (say the West for example).

The US has in the last decade lost its moral and economic authority to lead the world by example, and it only retains military superiority - which it manifests and makes full use of to its own interests.

Try to lead a good life like Jesus did. 

"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do " was apparently uttered when he was crucified on the cross at Calvary. 

Very true and accurate.

Man has the propensity for evil thoughts and deeds. Thats why there is religion and the rule of law for people to adhere and comply with. No questions asked once the law is in force, for it is meant to maintain social stability and harmony.

Entrust the wrong person with power and it is a dangerous precedence which can lead to disastrous consequences for all.


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