Saturday, October 8, 2022

Hey, Thanks for 130,000 Views !


In Seville Dec 2019 

We are now at 2022. When I first started my blog, way back in 2008, little did I envisage, that some 14 years later, I am still writing my little life stories, experiences and views of the world as I see it.

In 2010, we hit 3,000 views I thought, "wow". Well now we have 131,800 as of last month and I am still at it. A persistent writer blogging about anything, and everything (with the exception of politics and religion) to my heart's content. 

I am now talking a leaf from the more experienced Bloggers and Vloggers (Youtube) out there and am questioning myself on this whole 'experiment'

Q : "Whats the point ?"

A  : To curate and keep a diary of my life experiences as a means to reflect on what         I have done in the past, warts, blemishes and all. 

What its not : A self glorifying shallow museum of myself. That is sheer nonsense and it would be absolutely pathethic if I needed self affirmation of my life. 

No one is forced to read my blogs. Everyone is free to critique and pan whatever I write. In the meantime, I have had linkups with people from as afar as 

a) USA - Jacob John (my old neighbour from 6 Adis Road) and Mr. 

b) Australia - Bruce Fenwick who used to swim with my brother John and I when we were pre teens in the 70s.

c) England - some old friends of my late father

d) China - some aquaintences of my late grandfather

e) Singapore - NUSS and Peddling pictures who wanted to connect with his next of kin as a means to document his contributions to Singapore in the 50s to 70s.

To those who follow my blog, "thank you". 

It has and will continue to be an enriching and stimulating experience for as long as I live. 

This is but my attempt to put a mark (pun intended) on my little space and curate whatever I have experienced and whatever challenges I have faced or am facing.

There are many uncertainties in the world right now. Just look at the headlines screaming the prelude to another climate change disaster, runaway inflation and the tipping point to a global conflict. Its easy to get carried away and depressed about the big world view.

Can we do anything about it ? Yes in any small way. I elaborate below. 

a) Climate change : Yes, do our part. Buy less, opt for paper or no carry alls, take public transport and plant a tree (in your garden).

b) inflation : This is up to the Governments of the day and the banks. We can only take prudent steps to eat and buy only what is necessary, and not spend too much on luxuries.

c) Global conflict : I pray in my heart of hearts the leaders will not go down that path.

Well, thats it for today.

Have a great one.


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