Sunday, January 8, 2023

Why no PCR or ART tests for inbound tourists from China ?

I read with some disbelief that inbound tourists from China (who are allowed to travel from today Jan 8th 2023) will not be subjected to any kind of tests PCR (taken normally within 48 hours before departure) or the ART (antigen rapid test) upon arrival.

Over a dozen countries have imposed such tests to protect their healthcare and their citizenry.

Singapore and many other ASEAN countries have not. Is this a foolish act ? 

While I welcome tourists to our sunny island, China has recently experienced a wave of Covid infections running into the (hundreds of) millions, and there may very well be a next mutation from the Omicron originating from China. We may very well see the X- version of the COVID. Our health care providers are stretched to the maximum these past few years (kudos to them) and can they withstand another onslaught ?

SARS and the last COVID - 19 which hit the world with such force was from there.

While the logic is that the virus wanting to stay alive and propogate, will be highly transmissible, it will mutate and emerge as a mild form, and not endangering the host, the fact of the matter is that in early 2020, the first wave of COVID -19 did come from China or was detected from that country.

We are putting our health care infrastructure up to the mammoth task, with this opening without any kind of safeguard, to boost the economy via tourism.

Has this been thought out thoroughly or is this some foolish disregard to present 'business as usual' ?

I really hope there is no 'next wave'. 


1 comment:

Miss Air said...

Yes, it is a good decision;)

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