Saturday, July 22, 2023

All Set to Run Fast


A visibly happy me after a fast run last year around Pandan Reservoir. My goal is to get back to that level of fitness for 6 km with a sub 7 minute time. I will give it my all for 6Km today at the East Coast Park and see whether I can replicate that level of fitness.

6.29 km around the Reservoir in the drizzly evening and at the end of the day no less. My fitness this year has been hampered by aging injuries, such as strained LCL ligaments on my left knee. Apart from that I am generally OK, and the doctors at SGH did an XRay and all seemed well with my bones.

When I was in my youth, I ran with a laser like focus. Just run with the back straight up, look forward and hands around my chest level. I normally split my body awareness into 2 parts. One,the top part which is my lungs and my breathing. If I breathe normally and have no gasping for air, I am on track for a good run.

Then my legs. In the old days, I was called Steve of Stiff Austin because my legs were stiff and almost bionic. I recall playing Sunday soccer at the club old Open Air Theatre, and I normally played barefoot - till a while later, when we could afford proper shoes. Once I kicked the ball so hard, but missed it and kicked off the exposed bark of the 100 + old tree !  

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