Saturday, October 7, 2023

Can we hit 200,000 views by end 2023 ?


In Sevilla in Dec 2019 just before Covid engulfed the world   

In less than 3 months, the year is coming to an end ; it is a scary proposition that 1 year has just whizzed by with nary a thought about how we (global citizens) are collectively going to solve the 

a) climate change issue

b) earth's sustainability

c) AI's threat to human jobs 

d) Running costs of inflation and long term 

In Cordoba Dec 2019 ; nice orange trees in background 

Though there is very little which you or I as individuals can do to make a lasting impact, we must try at the very least to a) not use so much plastic material  b) minimise use of carbon based mechanisms like the airconditioning and the car (tough) and c) teach our next generation to value the ecosystem by not littering and reducing our carbon footprint.

Will it come to nought ?

Time will surely tell.

In the mean time keep reading my blog folks. I'm hoping to get 200, 000 views by years' end.

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