Sunday, November 5, 2023

A Retirement Plan ?

With the Relief of Ramses II at Luxor in 2009 

 A smart friend once gave me this piece of advice. If it is getting so expensive to live comfortably in Singapore,perhaps it might be better to 

a) rent out one's apartment or HDB unit (after the 5 year MOP period) - that would eaily fetch S$3,000 upwards to perhaps $6,000 (if it is a 5 roomer Bishan unit)

b) Move the base of operations, if one is able to do so, with a nimble business such as IT cybersecurity, to a lower cost country (Malaysia or Thailand come to mind).

With the rental income of say $4,000 - that translates to a whopping RM 14,000 or Thai Baht 100,000.

He and his family can rent a very decent condominium in Malaysia fo RM 3,000 or THB 25,000 and thus leaving them with RM 11,000 or THB 75,000 for the other living expenses.

At the end of the day, he can easily save S$ 1000 to $1,500 per month for his retirement income.

That is, if he is still mobile and relatively healthy.

Great idea or just a Pipe dream ??

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