Sunday, July 7, 2024

Spartan Mindset for Success

The Spartans were renowned for their fighting prowess against tremendous odds and they won many battles. When they lost battles, they lost them narrowly, always keeping to their iron discipline and dignity till the bitter end.

Spartans are a people who I really admire. When they are mightily outnumbered, they do not flinch because they have in them a particular mindset which encompasses these 6 rules. I apply my own life as an example.  


Look back at your life. Remember the days and months or years you took to achieve something that was meaningful to you. It was pretty damn uncomfortable wasn't it ? My running and completing of 10 full marathons was exactly that. I would 

a) Get to bed by 10 or 10.30 pm latest

b) Wake up at 5 am sharp day in or day out

c) Do all my toiletries and head out the door by 5.30 am. Reach the start point and just 'Go'

   The only exceptions  were when it was raining cats and dogs or when I was overseas on a business trip/

d) Sweat buckets as I hit the tarmac and ploughed out 10 km to 14 km DAILY.

This tough regimen may appear crazy to many, but as a serious marathoner, it was LIfe.

I am very proud to this day that I did and completed the full 10 marathons, and many many half marathons.

Was it uncomfortable ? Of course, I got out of my comfort zone a long time ago.

Self Discipline 

With that kind of schedule, I had to turn down numerous social appointments and kept to an early start of each weekday. The weekends Sat was reserved for the even longer run of 14km to 20 km when preparing for an imminent marathon.

Growth Mindset 

Always keep a mindset to learn new things. With the digital transformation age well upon us, we must always keep learning and not be afraid to say I don't know and teach me. Then go and learn as best as I can.

Have a Sense of Purpose

I do have a 3 and 5 year plan in place. I also try to reach out to others to help wherever and whenever possible

Establish an Exercise Routine.

Im struggling with this at the moment, with life changes and timelines. I know these are excuses, but I set aside at least 3 days a week, 2 for runs and 1 for karate training to keep my body active and healthy. 

Eating healthily (avoid the processed bar foods as much as I can) and keeping the drinking sessions to a minimum, are also on my watch and control list. 

Develop Mental Resilience. 

Diamonds are produced under tremedous pressure over time and also heat impacted. The strongest metals like iron and steel are also heat derived. The strongest minds must be resilience BUT at the same time open to new ideas which will come up and challenge even the smartest of us all.

Take the Mental Resilience Route, But stay aware for new ideas and threats. 


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