Friday, October 4, 2024

1960s - 1970s Pix from Those Days


The Lau family from my Mum's side. 1969

The never go back days are the days which were the most carefree and fun. Life was simpler, days were unending, and Singapore was populated with far less people than the 6 million now. I would hazard a guess that in those days of the late 1960s till the early 1970s, the population of Singapore was no more than 3 million. 

The picture above was taken by the Kodak instamatic camera which my Papa owned, so the clarity of the pictures weren't as good. The family above is the Lau family. My Mum's younger sister Mina, married Mr. Lau or Uncle Lau and the picture above shows my cousins from left
Wendy, (some unnamed girl), May, Uncle Lau and Angela.  

The Phoon family from my Mum's Side. 1969

Coming up the road of 6 Adis Road, is the Phoon family with my Mum Anna dressed in green.
From left is my Uncle Phoon, Lorraine, Rick, Mum Anna and Aunty Mona. Our bungalow house was set slightly on higher ground along Adis Road, and at the end of Adis Road was the mansion owned by the business magnate Eu Tong Sen. 

Me in 1963. 
The picture above is me, on all fours. I guess this picture was taken early to mid 1963.

Birthday Party 1969
Mum Anna and John (4 y.o.)
The dates are approximate, as I have no detailed records of when they were taken place. I only know that these are birthday parties held in our house at 6 Adis Road S'pore 9. I presumed it must have been either John's or my birthday and our relatives normally would get invited by my Mum Anna. She is the big sister to the 3 younger sisters Dona, Mina, Mona and  and 1 youngest brother David. 

 Neighbourhood kids playing on the swings and roundabout. We also had a slide in our garden.

I was a playful kid, that is without a doubt. A ruffian

I loved to read in bed, and my eyesight deteriorated so bad, that I had to wear glasses in Primary 3 to see the blackboard. I recall distinctly in Primary 3 when the nurses from MOH came to check on our eyesight, I called out the letters 'any old how' and the nurse yelled at me "don't bluff ! don't bluff !".

I still wear contact lenses till this day and my  eyesight is severly myopic and with aestigmatism.  

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