Sunday, March 23, 2025

To counter the loss of flexibility and balance on the onset of old age. practice martial arts or yoga


I have said it before and I will say in again. After 55, everything in our bodies starts to fall apart. The best case scenario is for us to maintain our fitness, exercise almost daily, sleep well (7 - 8 hours) , keep a log of your mental capacities, learn new hobbies like dancing or mahjong to keep physically and mentally alert and hopefully, you will decline the aging process as best as you can.

There is no cheat sheet or 'get out of jail free' card as far as your health is concerned. If your body is a machine, and if you tune it, send it for regular checkups and replacements, the machine should perform well for as long as possible. That is the standard operating procedure for all machines, equipment and cars. So why is the body any different ?

Many of life's pacifiers or enhancers are man made. Here are 4 examples which all societies have and consume quite liberally (with the exception of Jewish and Muslim states for gambling, alcohol and drugs).

a) Alcohol

b) Drugs

c) Smoking (nicotine or e cigarettes)

d) Gambling

If you have enough discipline, if you avoid and / or quit early the likelihood that you have a decently long life of 75 plus. years is quite high.


I have always struggled with my flexibility since young. So over 22 years ago I took the serious action of returning to karate shito style at my local CC. The once to twice weekly sessions have made me appreciate the fact that balance and flexibility are 2 of the most important factors in attaining overall good health.

Readers, do try to practice flexibility everyday, from stretching in the morning, to squatting and doing crunches. The core of our bodies or the stomach is the baseline for many flexibility poses and we must not neglect it.

If you do not have the discipline for it, in your late 50s, enrol in classes which provide them. I would recommend some form of martial arts for men, and taichi or yoga for both men and women. MMA is not for the middle aged. The amount of head injuries incurred during fights will lead to cerebral brain damage in the longer term and is not recommended at all.  

The other 2 are strength and endurance. I believe I am still good in these 2 factors.  


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