On a short business trip to Bangkok, I suggested we try something out of the ordinary,which was to visit the site of the protestors from the Peoples Alliance for Democracy or PAD, who want the Somchai Wongsawat led PPP Govenment out of office as they allege that the PPP are proxies for the ousted Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra. The earlier Prime Minister, Mr. Samak Sundaravaj had resigned barely 2 months ago.
Tawatchai and I went at 9pm on Thursday night with some sense of trepidation, adventure and curiosity fired up in us as barely 1 week ago on October 7th, the 2 rival groups had clashed and the police had intervened leaving 2 dead, and hundreds wounded,some critically. The protestors had camped in Government House and had put up barricades, such as tyres, barriers and sandbags (See picture). They were already there for 114 days !. The atmosphere was almost like a carnival and there were stalls selling Hand Clappers, Bandanas and T shirts saying "Change Politics Thailand 2008" in Royal Yellow,Black and White.
Walking towards the main stage, you could see people sleeping on the mats and inside tents,inside the compound of Government House.There were many big screens showing the main Opposition speakers like Sonthi and others making their speeches.Thousands of unused water bottles were piled up. There were tents offering food and water for all protestors and as you approached the main stage, you were frisked for any concealed weapons. Interestingly all the people in the compound were volunteers from the local Universities or people linked to the Opposition parties,ordinary working folk and lots of elderly people. The Police and Army kept their distance, at least 2 - 3 kms and the Army compounds housing the elite Army was all quiet.
There were reminders of the deaths, 2 dummies were laid on the ground to resemble those fallen, and I was humbled to witness the very tolerant Thai people making their voices heard. How will this all end ?