Outside the Valley of the Kings, Luxor
This unforgettable holiday in 2009 we took with a tour group to Egypt shows how fast our children have grown. Its been 7 years and you can see the vast difference physically at least. Now, Noel is an adult 22 years of age and serving the National Service in the Civil Defence corp (Fire fighting Unit). Andrew is 19 and finishing his Polytechnic studies in Biomedical Engineering while doing his internship at a local company. Both are maturing and developing their own unique identities and exerting their independence. I am proud to be their Dad. Although many challenges await them, we as a family will always have each other.
By the Mediterranean Sea, Alexandria
L : Ooi Wing Sun, Ooi Yen Sun, Noel and Andrew
Outside the Library at Alexandria
L: Ooi Yen Sun, Andrew, Xavier and Noel
What will happen to Asia now with a messy Trump administration, a very divided and bipartisan Senate and Lower House of Representatives ? With the Trans Pacific Partnership gone, the NAFTA under major scrutiny and a White House filled with first timers and people who are masters of the dark arts (read spin witch doctor ala Kelly Conway), a spokesperson who is full of contradictions and a never seen or heard befor pronouncements of 'alternative facts' - that of size of attendees of President Trump's inaugaration to downright half-truths and total mangling of the truth (read Bowling Green massacre which was, in fact, not a massacre, a total non-event).The Trump administration of of cover-ups and lies by the media, lead us ordinary folk all around the world to either cower in fear, or shake our collective heads in dismay at the total comedy being played out daily
Somehow, we the billions of people around the world who have access to internet or a smart phone have to tell out children that the world is all right, that we will wake up to a better tomorrow. We are praying for a stable, progressive and peaceful world.
Our children and future generations livelihoods hinge on it.