Friday, February 10, 2017

The Shallow President


The Wall 

      Everyday we are bombarded in the news, real and fake about how President Trump has signed a number of Executive Orders. Most controversially, an Executive Order first to ban temporarily refugees from 7 Muslim nations, only to have the order withheld by a federal court judge pending more states filing against the ban and the Government's relentless bids to overturn the judge's decision. The Court of Justice representing the Government has appealed and a 3 judge hearing has been completed with both sides presenting their cases.

      It is almost certain that the case will be taken to the Supreme Court and people all over the world are aghast, enthralled, disgusted, enraged and bemused all at the same time. The White House has never seen such a tumultous 1 month let alone 100 days in its entire history, I dare say.   

       The reality show that is the Trump Government versus everyone else has kept people the world over spellbound. Its as if he wants the world to always to be talking about him, good, bad and ugly. The groundswell against the ban is really taking steam with numerous Fortune 500 companies coming out against it in a court paper. 

     It doesn't mean that the companies totally disagree with everything the Trump administration is dishing out on a daily basis, without consulting or even appointing a Select Committee to deliberate the pros and cons of each EO. The bipartisan system between the GOP and the Blues (Democrats) are showing up serious differences in views leading to a very divided "so called" No. 1 country. 

    Will it impact the ordinary citizen from Afghanistan to Azerbaijan, from Zimbabwe to Zambia ? Definately, but not so soon. Its too soon to see the effects the Trump Orders and his intentions have been debated and argued at all levels from the Senate, House of Representatives to the working Government officials. Every organization is undergoing tremendous scrutiny and change at all levels.

     The US is the largest industrial economy in the world for the last 100 odd years and it is the strongest militarily, while it has record levels of debt, US$ 25 trillion, its currency the US$ is the reserve currency of the world, so that means that in the event of a currency meltdown, US$ still holds as the only currency which countries of the world will still trust and trade. Such a contradiction, the world's greatest debtor nation is also the country whose currency which the world needs to in the event of a global financial collapse. Her constitution encourages the 'poor, huddled, teeming masses running from persecution and poverty' to flock to her shores whatever their race, religion or ideology.  So this latest 'ban' flies in the face of the US Constitution in the name of 'pre-emptive control against potential terrorists'. 

Mexicans not wanted ; but this is Garbine Muguruza from Spain. World No. 5

     It is, however, totally unnerving and unecessary a playout of discord within the corridors of power, between the Government's inner circle, the Government servants, the judiciary and the legislative powers of the US. The past 2 and a half weeks have been a roller coaster of the Government accusing the media (some newspapers in particular CNN, Washington Post and NY Times) of biased reporting, blanket coverage of atrocities and then, coming up with their own version calling it 'alternative facts' !  I am speechless, but can still put this down to utter stupidity, a global embarrassment and chaos in action from the you know who's administration.  Fox News which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, is unsurprisingly pro Trump given the 2 families close personal connections. So every news media is biased, to a certain extent. 

    The ordinary citizens must be quite aghast at all this. I am. The personal and press freedoms of the US are being put on show and a stress test is being carried out at the moment.  

    Do we, the citizens of the free world really need this at this time ??  


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