Saturday, August 23, 2008

12 hours before Race Day 24th August

Its less than 12 hours before I run the Singapore Bay 1/2 marathon and the preparations are all done ; I managed a good 8 hours on Friday night and I hope to have at least 7 hours of solid sleep before I can do my best. The number on my bib is V8989 which is a nice number and the Championchip is positioned nicely on my ASICS.
Though I have had minimal training - running 2 to 3 times a week for about 8 km mostly, I am confident that I will manage about 2 hours 15 minutes ; the time I posted last year which is about 6 minutes and 30 seconds per kilometre. I will run with a bottle in hand - like a drunk - and bring along 2 PowerGels.
Wish me luck. It should be fun

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