Saturday, August 2, 2008

Simulation Testing for Athletes - Why Not ?

My company is the exclusive distributor for the Weiss Technik (Germany) range of Environmental Simulation and Testing Chambers for the South East Asian market and the sizes range from small table-top models to huge Walk-In Chambers to test everything from electronic parts (semiconductors),disk drives,completed products like PDAs,handheld PCs,noteboooks,handphones etc.The largest products typically are the complete assembled cars and sometimes aircraft.The manufacurers typically test the products to their environmental conditions under which they will operate or perform to a) ensure reliability ie. perform well in any conditions, be it snow, rain,high humidity or even dust and windy conditions b) weed out the weak products at the early stage so that only the strong products are put to market and therby ensuring the company's good reputation for quality and reliability.

My question to the Singapore Sports Council, if products can be tested to their extremes. why stop there ? Test our best sportsmen (of course with the proper medical supervision and equipment available) in the conditions in which they will perform their sporting challenge. That is to say, use these Walk-In chambers to simulate Beijing's temperature and wind conditions during the Summer Olympics or for altitude training which has proven very effective, why fly them to the Alps or mountains when all this can be done at home on the treadmill and simulated Alpine and low oxygen conditions ? SSC has been using the low oxygen inhaler on our top swimmers, what about the track and field athletes ? With the money invested and rewards offered to medal winners, SSC could consider buying or renting such equipment from the manufacturers or distributors (heh heh).


Kannan said...

Marketing on the blog.Good strategy Mark!

Seize the Day said...

Going to ask the CEO of SSC to have a look at my blog ; I know him quite well.

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