Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pattaya = Old Folks Home for Western Men

I am visiting the seaside town of Pattaya for business with my staff. Our customer is located about 30 minutes drive in the Eastern Seaboard town of Chonburi,Rayong Estate,or "Detroit of the South East Asia" (China,India and Japan surpass the scale and size of the car manufacturing industry many times). After the workday, we headed down to Pattaya for drinks and dinner. To some people, the image conjures up the Biblical towns of Soddom and Gomorrah where sleaze, prostitution,and all manner of vices are available. On only my 5th ever visit, I am still trying to find a word that typifies it but the only word is 'unique'. No, I wouldn't come here on a family holiday or even a holiday because its NOT my idea of entertainment and interest,EVER.
Perhaps for something totally different from the face of this earth is what I would call it !

However, I am struck that there are literally tens of thousands of Western (read White mainly) men of middle age to very old men and some aged Caucasion women who call this place home. They hail from many parts of Europe but looking at the restaurants menus and by the signboards there are many Germans, Russians,British and American. Every second couple is a Caucasian Man with a Thai wife/girlfriend and they have frankly boosted the Thai economy for decades by setting up the bars,restaurants and enntertainment outlets with their EUROs,Sterling Pounds and American Dollars. In a way, its like the perfect Old Folks Homes for these guys as they are a) not a burden for their 'home countries' when they fall sick and die b) things are very cheap by the Western standard or even Singapore standards, a chilled Singha beer goes for B 15 or S$ 0.60 or 60 cents at one of the countless bars. Unbelievably cheap. The Thai women coming here also flock to these Westerners like bees to honey as a union would prove 'win-win' to both the lonely man and the economically disadvantaged woman.

The relationship or marriage situation though convenient for the poor Thai woman who relies on the Westerner for the improvement of her standard of living does not sit well with many Thais who accept this as a sad fact of their society,but are not comfortable with it. The reason could be that the men are normally past the 'economic due' date and are not the 'foreign talents' which countries like Singapore,United States and Europe seek but are the old,widowers,divorcees, pensioners, socially inept failures and of course the sex tourists. White Trash is a phrase which comes to mind.

On top of that, there are additional busloads of gawking tourists who come from all parts of the world from China,Vietnam
and South America enjoying the beach, the muay thai shows (see pictures),walking street and lots of shopping.

So,at the end,Pattaya still remains relevant and even more dominant than when it was just a outpost for American GIs and sailors during the 60s and 70s.

Do the Thais want it ? Depends on who you ask. Does the World want it ? Again depends on who you ask.

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