Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My New Ride

My New Ride

As requested by Kannan, here is my new 'ride' (don't really know all these American slangs,I guess it means my car). So tounge-in-cheek, here it is. I bought it 2nd hand from this Michael Shoe something. He claims he was injured during motorcycling and was heartbroken when he couldn't drive it at 300kmh here - the speed limit in Singapore is 90km, well sometimes you can cheat and do 110 km but after than "No panchan". The cops or Uncle Sam will give you and ticket and a greeting "Have a Nice Day !".

The car comes with it the entire crew of Italians from Felari and I cannot leave my house until they change the tyres, and the Lollipop Man raises his er, Lollipop. Apparently he was on vacation last year at Singapore's F1 and Felari had a whole bunch of problems.

As Requested by Kannan

The KERS is a pain in the butt, I don't know about all these gizmos. The steering wheel you must disconnect - I live in a bad neighbourhood so must keep it in the house and fix it in only when I use it. Oh, its a tight squeeze in the driver's compartment and I am still figuring out how to send the wife to work. The Boys love it and you should see the looks I get when I drive it to the supermarket !


kannan said...

Good one Mark,Haha.
Ok, your new SUV photo if possible,it's a farewell for your old SUV and now you need to Welcome your new car :)

Seize the Day said...

When I went home from the supermarket, I had to steer with one hand and carry the groceries in the other OUTSIDE the car ! LOL !

supercardriver said...

wanna 1v1 race me? I drive a renault but my team all fired. I solo driver now. Looking to join force india. Want free tickets for f1?

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