Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Luxor - Valley of the Kings

Horus the Falcon god
Today, we visited the site of the ancient kings tombs, namely Ramses IV (4th), Septur and Ramses I. No photographs were allowed into the tombs as the flashes were deemed as damaging to the interior of these rooms which had many ancient paintings and carvings.

The rationale of the latter kings or pharoahs to 'hide' their tombs which contained many treasures such as gold,silver and plenty of coins was to prevent or make it very difficult for tomb raiders to locate the tombs once the funeral of the king was over. The pharoahs went to great lengths so much as to blindfold the workers or slaves who dug the tombs when they were transported to the tombs so that no one, except only the high officials knew the exact location of these tombs which were rich with the finest products of ancient Egypt.

Entrace to Valley of the Kings

So, for the early dynasty kings or pharoahs, who built huge pyramids, like Sneferu,Khufu and Khufre. Those proved to be too easy for the tomb robbers as these tombs stood out like a sore thumb. The later pharoahs, like Ramses I - IX all decided to build underground complexes for their burial chambers and chose this valley, now calle the Valley of the Kings. In total there are 18 royal pharoahs buried here and 44 high officials tombs.

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