Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friends are the 'external family' which we choose

Wing Sun, Andrew, Noel and Yen Sun in Egypt

This post is dedicated to all the friends, long time and new ones, I salute you. As I have experienced in the past 10 days from my mother's hospitalisation, at the end of the day, its the love from your family and close friends that matter. Life is very complex, as we come into this world with nothing and although people want to hoard up the riches on earth, all the riches on this earth will not be able to heal your body or your soul.

The family is one of the institutions which has been around for thousands of years. Unfortunately, divorces are more commonplace and families are being broken apart due to the complexities of modern day life. This is a sad facet of our developed world.

When we are sick and need nourishment, we turn to God, family and friends in that order. Sometimes, unfortunately, our family may not be able to provide the emotional or even the financial support and that is where the friends can come in and keep our spirits up.

True friends stand by you in good times and bad and in times of crisis, that is where we will know who our true friends are. Choose them wisely.

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