Tuesday, November 30, 2010

5 days before the Big Race

I am up early at 5.30 am, do the toiletries, clean up and manage to head out the door a couple of   
minutes past 6 o'clock. I am quickly adjusting my body clock to wake up earlier so as to be ready for 
 the Standard Chartered Marathon - a running must have for me - in 5 days time.  After a 'short' run of    35 minutes or 5 km,I reach home, all fresh and energised to start the day. this post is written at 7.55 am,
 something which I have not done for years, so yeah, it feels good !

      The flag off time this year is 5am, something which many runners welcome. Additionally, it will start outside the Marriot Hotel in the heart of Orchard Road. So the Orchard Road stretch outside ION building will be a place which won't sleep this weekend given the amount of officials, security personnel, runners and well wishers all congregating there. How exciting !

       The training (how much or how little) has all been done, the massages to ease the aching body have been taken, the mental preparation and the carbo loading (eating of high carbohydrate foods to provide energy such as pasta, rice or noodle dishes) starts NOW.

       This is the 5th time I am running and I am as enthusiatic as a first time runner. This is because each new race heralds a new beginning, of me wanting to better my last personal best time. Although it is not likely, it is good to have a strong conviction, like they say, its mind over matter.

       So, the message to my fellow runners, Fast or Slow, Run your own Race. At the finish line, we are
all Winners. For those who say " Ah I'll do it tomorrow, there may not be many tomorrows left when the time comes".

Good Luck ! Carpe Diem  ! Seize the Day ! 

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