Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Hobby Sport - Triathalon

                                                     Felt Tri Road Bike ; weight approx. 2.5 kg

I have finally managed to afford the basic triathalon bicycle, the brand is called the 'Felt' and it is made in Taiwan. The interest was stoked about 2 years ago when I had a pulled hamstring and I was contemplating taking the 3 discipline sport, which athletes have to swim, cycle and run. The distances vary from the mini-triathalon which has a 200 m swim in the sea,20km cycle and a 2 km run. For the sprint triathalon, it is 500 m swim, 40km cycle and a 10 km run.

I am motivated that one of my long time friends who has recently retired, (ie. made a lot of money while still young) is the champion in the Osim category of the mini-triathalon. Coupled with the fact that my elder son, Noel, wants to give this multi-discipline sport 'a try' has gotten me off the backburner so to speak. It has got everything to do with tie discipline, 'transitioning' (changing) from one medium to another, and using different sets of body parts. In short, it has more complete use of all the limbs than the marathon.

As my blog has always proposed 'seizing the day' I decided that now was as good a time as any and I plunged headlong into buying the starter bike for my son, so that we can share, and started planning a run-bike-swim schedule with a July race in mind.

I took the first ride today on the tri-bike and my impression was "Wow ! Great ! Why didn't I try this earlier ?'   Well, the answer is of course, firstly one needs to be able to afford the time and also invest in some serious money as the starter bike can set one back at least $2,000.

Anyway, the feeling for me is that, this is one race I will try at least for a couple or more times. Time is running fast away so I had better make the most of it.


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