Friday, April 8, 2011

Siam Square - a bit of Roppongi in Bangkok

Interesting Graffiti Art outside Siam Square

Choose from hundreds of small shops selling young people's fashion and eateries 

I made some time to visit Siam Square for an hour or so, and was pleasantly suprised to find that it reminded me of Ropopongi in Japan, where there are many small shops and eateries catering to the young set crowd. Many high school students, young working adults and tourists alike mingled along the walkways giving it a very cosmopolitan feel. Not like your sleazy typical Bangkok alley where the lecherous (Western normally) farang (foreigner) gathers to have his beer and ogle at the pole dancers or worse. This is a false stereotype perpetuated in all those Western books typifying Bangkok as a place for sleaze with massage parlours and brothels at every street corner. Not true.

The cool temperature of about 20 deg C also led me to momentarily think that I was in Japan, at the time I was there, Bangkok was hit with a cold snap (something which was a very pleasant surprise to me) and moving around the city was literally a breeze. I did not feel that I was in a tropical third world country but rather something more akin to the North Eastern Asian country like Taiwan, Korea or even Japan.

Do visit Siam Square, its representative of the youth culture of the modern Thais, just as I suppose, Bugis Square and Junction represents the youth culture of Singaporeans.    

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