Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Mr. Brown Show ; Minister of Ponding

This is the local comedy satirist blogger, Mr. Brown, whose impersonation of a local minister (fictitious of course) strikes a hilarious chord for the hot topics of the day in Singapore. If you are interested in Singapore and Malaysian politics, this videos for you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year all

Here's wishing all family and friends a happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year of the Dragon !

          At my brother in law's place for lunch today

       Every Chinese New Year for the last 25 years as I recall (1987 or thereabouts), my mother would make  preparations for her entire clan of sisters and only brother to invite them to my house for Chinese New Year. This tradition was stopped last year when my dear mother passed away at the good age of 80 (81 in Chinese terms). So there was no celebration, as with the Chinese custom, there was observance for at least 49 days.  
        This year, our family was invited to my brother in law's house for CNY lunch and later in the evening, my son Noel invited his group of class friends from Sec 4, all young men, to our place for a barbecue and of course, some gambling. So, it was back to meeting of family and friend again.
        Lets remember that the bonds of family and friendship are all important in our daily lives, so Chinese NewYear or not, lets set aside time to build the bonds which will be life long lasting.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Enter the (year of) the Dragon ; Sunday 22nd Jan 2012 10.34 pm

      In a few hours time, the Rabbit will go back into his hole and the dragon will make its fiery entrance. What will the year bring, in terms of health, family, business, fortune, luck, weather and relationships ? This movie was the apex of the brilliant career of the martial arts 'king fu' icon Bruce Lee and it was his last movie, when he died of a brain enema after that. Starring Bruce Lee, Linda Miao, Jim Kelly and John Roper, this movie is a must have for all Bruce Lee fans.
     Try to get it downloaded and watch it, for its authentic (no stuntmen) portrayal of the fights. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

K Pop groups are BIG - KARA

During my recent family holiday in Japan, during the evenings, after dinner, there is little else to do but watch some TV like the variety channels and sports channels - all in Japanese. So I chanced upon the variety show which featured JPop bands, KPop bands and also Lady Gaga. It dawned upon me that the KPop Bands are really taking the world by storm, with their catchy tunes, too beautiful singers both male and female (I'm not complaining, they're eye candy) and fantastic dance moves. No wonder, during the recent MAMA (Asian MTV awards) all the top Asian MTV prizes went to Korean K Pop groups such as Girls Generation (SNSD) and Super Junior. Don't call me a fuddy duddy just yet, there's still time for me to enjoy the happening from our Northern Neighbours.

Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Britney Spears and Gaga's gang all seem like grandmothers compared to these starlets.

Watch STEP the video and see for yourselves.

My skiing experience

This is my 4th ski experience and while I have had ski lessons and ski camps before, I would like to highlight that the skiing experience is alot like what life throws at you. Firstly, one must invest in the equipment like boots, skis, clothes and of course training. Next, there will be teachers who will guide you along the way. You make mistakes, and after a number of classes, you are on your own. Its alot like life, when you are young, your parents feed you, house you, take care of your educational emotional and spiritual needs training you and providing you for the day you are ready to face the world.

    Once you have acquired the basic skills, you set out, and take on the pistes. There are beginner, intermediate and expert pistes (ski runs), you try according to your confidence, ability level and guts. Its the same with life. You ski down the slopes. make S turns, know when you slow or speed up and fall down sometimes. The better skiiers are the ones who are more resilient and will pick themselves up after a fall. You will only learn more about yourself after a setback, so try out more and more challenging courses. Do remember to help the less fortunate along the way. That is what life should be. 

Seize the day. 

Happy New Year 2012

    Each year, I make some resolutions or goals which I want to achieve and have a look at them every few months to see whether I have achieved them or not. I have been doing this for about 10 years already and its an effective way to see whether I have actually improved my situation, personally, financially, as a  leader, father, friend and husband and colleague. One of the things life experience gives you is that you are ultimately the recipient of the decisions you make - most of the time. On the occasions when life throws you a 'curve ball' you have to adapt and try to hit it as best as you can and not strike out. That's life. Some people have it easy, when they have a wealthy family, and have intelligence, looks and seem to live a charmed life. Many have to sweat through the daily grind just to take home a basic pay. There is no such thing as fairness, unfortunately, so the more adaptive you are to the situation, the better your chances of making the best of it.

      I had 3 setbacks or 'curve balls' thrown at me in 2011, 2 personal and 1 businesswise. My dear mother passed away on 8th January 2011, my son had to struggle with promotion in college and my company was axed from certain territory in a key product. It would be easy to blame people or God for all of these, but God helps those who help themselves. Rather than get angry with the situation, get even and take each happening as a life experience. Many a times, we cannot predict the unfortunate event or even the 'good luck' that befalls us, so its best to be 'adversity adaptable' and be ready for the challenges and curve balls life throws you. Anyone can react to having 'good luck' or winning the lottery, once in a blue moon. Everyone can spend money, few can actually create value and earn money. Even fewer can earn and save money for retirement as the costs of retirement go up exponentially every 3 to 5 years.   

       Perhaps it was OK to say, lets save $1 million and I can afford to retire at 55 and live till 75, thats 20 years spending of $50,000 per year for 20 years, providing the fact that there might be unexpected health issues which require major surgery which will wipe out $250 K from my insurance. Because, I am talking about improving standards of living and quality of life, that the costs of living decently escalate. Say a person retires at 55 and lives till 85 (quite possible now). Given that he has adequate insurance to cover for health and hospitalisation costs, that is a whopping 30 years. For $50,000 per year, that is a sum total savings of $1.5 million IN CASH.  Many people will say, OK, I will sell my house, say 10 years time, and cash out and move into a smaller place, perhaps public housing, and attain the cash of say $1.5  million, plonk out $500 K for a HDB flat and problem is solved. Maybe NO, there will be a surplus of people who will be selling the private property at that time, and prices may actually DROP.
Scary scenario of hundreds of thousands of aging baby boomers selling their property in 10 to 15 years time and finding out that the golden years, actually, they have little or no money left.   But then again, thats 10 to 15 years time. We are living in the present right ?   RIGHT or WRONG, its a financial life choice you and I have to make to ensure that our golden years are indeed, golden, with the help of money, not too much, but enough.   

     " Be prepared" -  the Scouts motto is the best attitude to adopt in  uncertain times. Stay focussed and stay the course, and we'll be on track again. Seize the day my friends. Have a  Life Plan, Do it, Check it and Action on it . Fine tune it along the way.  Have a healthy, happy and successful 2012.  

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...