Saturday, March 3, 2012

No doubt, I'm a fan of Jeremy Lin.

     Imagine, a 23 year old undrafted Harvard graduate, Asian build (read smaller in size than the Amazons of NBA), coming in and scoring 38 points against Kobe Bryant and team members. What s story !

     The make takeaway messge I have to all Asian parents is this. Yes, do encourage your kids to study. But education is not always about paper qualifications. Its about PASSION AND LIFE  EXPERIENCES,  TAKING RISKS after which you learn. So, the earlier one gets into the school of 'hard knocks' and gets up, the better.

     This guy so badly wanted to play, he was sitting on the bench on the bottom fishing New York Knicks. And he is a Harvard graduate,mind you, who will have no problems earning US$ 100K and above as a lawyer or legal counsel.

      He chose to pursue his dreams and he is now creating waves in he NBA. Seize your dreams and make them reality friends !!

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