Thursday, March 8, 2012

Respect has to be earned, a Man's word is his bond


     Sometimes in life, one learns lessons through school, or in the working world. As a leader and boss of a small SME, it is apparent that people's efforts, loyalty, motivation and morale are due to a multitude of factors. I have been managing a small business which has grown in size over the last 9 years. There are some staff I can call upon as friends, though in business, sometimes conflicts appear. So I was quite shocked to hear that one former staff has no qualms about telling me one thing and doing the complete opposite. I am saddened also that he or she appears to be an upright person with good standing in his / her environment  and can resort to desperate tactics to harm the company when I have not done him or her any malice. I am deeply disappointed needless to say. Perceptions about people are about your words and actions.

      Business is business, yes of course, but a Man's word is his bond.

     We learn who are our true friends eventually. Seize the Day my friends (less 1).

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