Saturday, January 19, 2013

2013 - We survived the 'End of the World'

                                                      Santa for US President 2016 !
        Well first and foremost, everyone, Happy belated 2013 !! 

       Its been over one month since I put finger to keyboard, (used to be pen to notepad) but this the new means of communication, like it or not.There was some big 'brouhaha' last year when millions of people all across the globe started fretting about the end of the world as the ancient Mayan Calandar had finished its last predicted date, and as there were no more entries to the calendar, people started fretting that that was it, finito. People started beating their chests,looking at another famous astrologer,Nostradamus and finding all kinds of predictions,and trying to relate it to the date 23-12-12. 

        One funny analogy is that the Mayans couldn't predict the end of their own civilization, their entire city disappeared, leaving not a single Mayan citizen, but so many people had so much faith in the end of the world based on their calendar. This is truly astounding and pathetic.

        There are probably lots of people who believe in Santa Claus living in the North Pole as there were people in the days of old (in the 1400s ) who had no clue what lay at the end of the visible horizon, so assumed that at the end when the means of transportation of the day, the sailboat, reached the end, they would fall off into a bottomless cliff and die. 

       So since we survived the End of the World, shouldn't we be celebrating the Beginning of the New World ???   Lets get the world back on track and do some good.

My 5 suggestions to Restart the New World  (hey, since people are dumb enough to consider the End of the World, why not consider this small blogger's crazy ideas ?)

1. Change the Reserve Currency from the US dollar to the Chinese RMB. 

2. Change the Monetary system as we know it. Link all currencies bank to the Gold Standard 

3. USA to outlaw the NRA and consider amending the 2nd amendment, putting the vote to a National Referendum.    

4. USA to stop the QE Infinity nonsense and attempt to really bring down the budget deficit

5.  Make Santa Claus the US President. Since no human can solve the US's and World problems, an imaginary immortal giving out peace and presents for being good can't do  any worse !

    Happy 2013 !!     

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